US should look beyond border to recruit troops
Recruit foreigners to serve with promise of citizenship
By Max Boot
Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle News Services
Feb. 27, 2005, 8:32PM

Some experts are already starting to wonder whether the war on terrorism might break the all-volunteer military. But because reinstating the draft isn't a serious option (the House defeated a symbolic draft bill last year, 402 to 2), some outside-the-box thinking is needed to fill up the ranks. In this regard, I note that there is a pretty big pool of manpower that's not being tapped: everyone on the planet who is not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

The simplest thing to do would be to sign up foreigners for the regular U.S. military, but it would also make sense to create a unit whose enlisted ranks would be composed entirely of non-Americans, led by U.S. officers and NCOs.

Call it the Freedom Legion. As its name implies, this unit would be modeled on the French Foreign Legion, except, again, U.S. citizenship would be part of the "pay."

There's no reason we couldn't recruit a fresh batch of foreigners today. It would be easier than trying to sweet-talk more troops out of recalcitrant allies or, these days, recruit at U.S. high schools.

Boot is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

A fascinating proposal. As it stands now, the children of the rich and privileged don’t serve in the military. So there’s not much of a chance of our seeing them protesting about the needless deaths in our needless foreign adventures. There still seems to be a problem, though, with the workers families. Groups and individual parents of the young American people killed in Iraq are protesting, and this keeps an irritating running sore of questions for which there doesn’t seem to be any rational or moral answers from the president bush.

What can be a better answer than to use foreigners as the cannon fodder for our Domination Wars? Nobody’s going to complain then. After all, it would only be foreigners getting killed, so what’s the big deal? The supine media isn’t going to make that a front page story.

So who is Max Boot?
from his biography at The Council of Foreign Relations

Senior Fellow, National Security Studies
Award-winning author and former editorial features editor, The Wall Street Journal; expert on national security policy and U.S. military history and technology.

Contributing editor to The Weekly Standard (current); editorial features editor (1997-02), the Wall Street Journal, and writer and editor (1994-97); writer and editor, The Christian Science Monitor (1992-94).

Nowhere in that trash proposal is the thought that, perhaps, a better solution may be to stop the obscenity of our Domination Wars.

The war in Afghanistan was the first of these under rule of the president bush. The US simply bombed the snot out of an already ravaged country and left 156 American military dead. We installed our puppet government and moved on to the second war. No time to waste. The 2002 elections were coming up. And left behind a ruined country and Osama bin Laden. Remember him? And as a bit of “collateral damage” we poisoned large areas of the country with our DU munitions.

And so on to Iraq. This didn’t turn out as expected. No weapons, no Al-Queda, no flowers. We’re still trying to install our puppet government. The US has lost 1,508 young American people, a not mentioned, anywhere, tens of thousands of Iraqis. And again as some “collateral damage” we’ve poisoned the ground, buildings, and people of Iraq, as well as our own military and those of our allies. We’ve also destroyed what was left of Iraq’s infrastructure after the first Iraq war and 12 years of sanctions. And still no damn flowers.

The president bush and the lackey rice now seem to be preparing the American people for round three. Where are they going to find the manpower for that? The administration says there’s no plans to restart the draft, but we know they’ve lied to us before. Now we read about idiot proposals like the blood-thirsty boot presents.

These are truly sick, perverted people in charge of our government, and so are their opinion makers. Quite surprising, really, that allegedly a bit over half of those who voted in November, thought they had “moral values”. Now, I read the bible. The president bush claims to be a “Christian”. I’m not sure what bible he reads, but in mine, I can’t seem to find anywhere Jesus condones this sort of activity. In fact, I’m sure we can find any number of places where he condemns it.

The president bush is a sociopath. He is being guided by perverts. In the end, all the victims of the administration, from 9/11 to today have been reduced to “collateral damage”

Sick. Very sick. And so very sad.


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