

White House to Agencies: Ignore GAO's Ruling On 'illegal' TV News Releases
by Ken Herman
Published on Tuesday, March 15, 2005 by Cox News Service

WASHINGTON -- The White House, intent on continuing to crank out "video news releases" that look like television news stories, has told government agency heads to ignore a Government Accountability Office memo criticizing the practice as illegal propaganda.
Comptroller General David Walker of the GAO said Monday that his agency is "disappointed by the administration's actions" in telling agency heads to ignore the GAO, the investigative arm of Congress.

"This is not just a legal issue, it's also an ethical matter," Walker said. "The taxpayers have a right to know when the government is trying to influence them with their own money."
….The GAO, in a Feb. 17 memo to agency heads, said its review of video news releases distributed to television stations by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of National Drug Control Policy showed violations of federal law barring the use of government money for propaganda. The GAO said, "Television-viewing audiences did not know that stories they watched on television news programs about the government were, in fact, prepared by the government."

Well, Bush continues to gallop down the Lawless Lane. Actually, he’s afraid of horses, so he uses a stick-horse like my grandson has, but that’s besides the point. It should be obvious by now, at least to anyone who uses their mind, that the man has no ethics, or morals.

Not merely content with a supine media to spread his lies, he uses our tax dollars to create his propaganda. There never seems to be enough money to make sure our soldiers are adequately supplied in the combat zone, or to help the poor here, but there never seems to be a lack of money to sing the praises of our Dear Leader, the president bush.

Now, of course, our Consolidated Corporate Media (CCM) are just as complicit. Think about what a deal it is for them. They get to fill some time in the ‘news’ slots, and it doesn’t cost them a dime. It would only hurt their bottom line, and so shareholder value, to actually hire some good reporters, and turn them loose to, well, report. You know, the facts. Maybe even do some investigating. But it’s easier to just repeat the lies the administration presents them with.

And we know the administration lies. Just to mention a few; Bush said his tax cuts would stimulate the economy, and create jobs. They didn't. What they did do was to create a massive deficit. Bush says he's 'compassionate'. His policies and statements show that to be a lie. And one need only mention Iraq, and there are daily lies, both before the invasion and after.

Our economy is in a shambles. Our military is stretched almost to the breaking point. The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. And where does the American people have to turn to find out the truth about this things, the supine CCM ? Fantasy Feel Good Studios of the president bush? Well, you can paint over a termite-ridden house, but it is still going to fall apart one day.

I know that these self-proclaimed ‘elites’ don’t care what I think, but I’ve got some news for them. When the US goes down, they’ll be going down with it. There are no lifeboats.

And one more thing. Take a look at this picture. No lifeboats there, either.


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