Demonstration Projects
Gibson: Bomb a Democracy "With Clean Conscience"
Reported by judy at March 10, 2005 11:34 AM
Fox News' John Gibson has gone even farther than other journalists in falling, hook, line, and sinker, for the Bush claim that the Iraq elections are related to some Lebanese demonstrating for the removal of Syrian troops from their country. Gibson went over the line on "The Big Story" Wednesday (March 9), however, when he said the U.S. could bomb Lebanon "with a clean conscience" if it votes democratically to retain Syrian troops.
US Gaining World's Respect From Wars, Rumsfeld Asserts
By Ann Scott Tyson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, March 11, 2005; Page A04
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld upheld the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan yesterday as powerful demonstrations of U.S. military prowess that will make other countries think twice about making "mischief" around the world.
"If you put yourself in the shoes of a country that might decide they'd like to make mischief, they have a very recent, vivid example of the fact that the United States has the ability to deal with this," he said.
So, let’s see. In the first article Fox News’ (chief apologist for the administration of the president bush) advocates bombing Lebanon, if the US doesn’t like the choices the Lebanese people may make in a democratic fashion. And, he says we could do it with a “clear conscience”, because, after all, we told them what we wanted. Doesn’t seem to bode well for Iraq, does it?
The president bush has asserted that the Syrians are an occupying force, and says that free elections are not possible while a country is being occupied. Iraq is being occupied by the US., and has been since March of 2003. So now, the president bush is saying that the recent Iraqi elections were a sham. Iraq is certainly being occupied by a foreign power. The little man can’t have it both ways. Of course, perhaps he hopes no one will notice.
In the second article, the blood-thirsty rumsfeld flatly calls the war in Afghanistan, and in Iraq, as mere demonstrations of the mighty US military. I thought we did that in the first Iraq war. So, he considers the tens of thousands of deaths, wounded, and maimed, just collateral damage from a demonstration project. Even our own military. Why didn’t they just print up some glossy brochures to pass out, maybe a powerpoint project. We didn’t have to kill all those people just to make a point.
In fact, the administration of the president bush, and their allies and apologists even consider the deaths on 9/11 as merely collateral damage, since they allowed them to ram through their agenda of fascism and war.
This all comes as quite a surprise to me. After all, the president bush’s speeches just drip with his unctuous claims for the ‘sanctity of life’, ‘freedom’, ‘compassion, and ‘Christian values’.
No where in the teachings of the man bush calls his favorite philosopher, is anything that would even suggest that Jesus would condone ANY of the actions of the president bush. Jesus would rant against bush, just as he did the Pharisees of his time. In fact, the Old Testament prophets would condemn the actions of the president bush as well. He stands condemned by his own words, and the beliefs he says he has embraced.
And, just a note for rumsfeld. I’d be careful about pointing to Iraq as a demonstration project. It would seem that the vaunted American military, no matter how valiant, has been stymied by the Iraqi resistance. The eyes of the world has seen this.
It is a shame that the president bush and his allies have thrown away so many lives to prove a point. What makes it even more sad, is that the point and policies they have been tossed aside for have been proven to be wrong, and a failure. Just as the president bush has been himself, a pointless failure.