Maybe there's a reason for so many gay Republicans

I don’t really care who’s gay or who’s not. It’s just not an important condition in my interactions with other people. I’m comfortable with myself, so I don’t care who marries who.

However, in the light of the Ted Haggard Revelation, this is just too good to not use. I really do find it “unacceptable” when people do in private the things they condemn publicly. and thanks to the Pensito Review for the tip.

This hypocrisy is the foundation of today’s republican party. From their manipulation of the electoral process, their craven exploitation of evangelical christians, to the lies that support their wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Power and riches are the only items on their agenda, nothing else. That’s the reason they have destroyed the lives of well over one million people. That’s the reason they have looted our treasury.

Saddam Hussein is condemned for destroying far less. When will we see these “leaders” of ours in the same situation? I’ll bet…, never.

The republicans have controlled Congress for 12 years now. Can anybody honestly say this nation is in better shape now? If you’re rich, you’re doing well, but if you’re not, then tough luck.

“…Mr. Ashe and president Bush have had a "special relationship" since their college days at Yale, where they were roommates and male cheerleaders together.

Could it be that those who have the most to hide squeak the loudest? Instead of oppressing gays and lesbians, it's time for the US to create an atmosphere of acceptance and tolerance and coax Dubya out of the closet. It's okay, George, really. Here are a couple of telltale quotes from the president.

"We're a country based on fabulous values... And we'll prevail, because we're a fabulous nation, and we're a fabulous nation because we're a nation full of fabulous people. "

The "President chuckled. "Well, you got a pretty face," he told the surprised Mr. Reid. He wasn't done. "You got a pretty face," he said again. "You're a good-looking guy. Better looking than my Scott anyway.""

Just how "fabulous" is Mr. Ashe, Georgie?

"It’s known by many sources that George W. Bush in 1968 [when he was tapped into the Skulls and Bones] was performing homosexual acts with his male sex-mate and Yale roommate Mayor Ashe of Knoxville, TN. While mayor, Ashe made several unscheduled visits to the White House and, according to US Secret Service sources, Bush made at least 8 unscheduled and unannounced trips to Knoxville while he has been President….”


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