Republican Obscenity
GOP Seeks Advantage In Ruling On Trials
National Security Is Likely Rallying Cry, Leaders Indicate
By Michael Abramowitz and Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff WritersSaturday, July 1, 2006; Page A01
A senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the issue is still being debated internally, seemed to hint at the potential political implications in Congress. "Members of both parties will have to decide whether terrorists who cherish the killing of innocents deserve the same protections as our men and women who wear the uniform," this official said.
What a strange quote from the bush administration. You know, the same one that delights, absolutely delights, in killing innocent people. How else to explain the “we don’t do body counts” as the bodies stack up like cordwood at the Baghdad morgue, and countless others that we don’t hear about? The fact is, that the bush administration doesn’t care about the life of innocent people, no matter where they’re found. But the absolute delight in killing them that they’ve shown is obscene. Who has forgotten about bush pumping his fist in the air (“Feels good!”) just before he announced launching “shock and awe” upon Iraq? Who has forgotten the circus with the recent killing of Zarqawi with the bigger than life-sized poster of his dead head? I didn’t hear them mention the death of the 5 year old girl that was killed by the same bomb. No pictures either. Snuffed her as if she never existed.
Fri Jun 30, 10:30 PM ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Guantanamo camp may have only 30 to 40 "real" cases and the US detention center should be shut down by 2007, the president of the Belgian Senate, who headed a European inspection team there, said.
Presenting her findings in Washington on behalf of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Anne-Marie Lizi recommended the shutting down of the US "war on terror" detention center by end of 2007 because the actual number of dangerous detainees was low.
That’s out of about 465 ‘detainees’ remaining. Fucking Israel is going absolutely batshit over the kidnapping of ONE of their soldiers. The US has kidnapped thousands, with only a handful being even remotely guilty. And of course, we wouldn’t know, would we? Because the president bush doesn’t even allow them a fucking trial, or even a fair hearing.
But, I digress.
I’m just plain sick and tired of hearing ANY republican talk about morality. The party has joined into the bloodbath, the murder of children, the rape of men, women, and children, the looting and poisoning of TWO countries, and joined wholeheartedly and enthusiastically. And, by the way, how many innocents died in the Katrina disaster while bush strummed the guitar? How many children are going to die this year due to the administration’s policies?
These are people who would go into their neighbor’s house and rip the guts out of their children if they thought it help them hold onto power. And look you right in the eye, and tell you it was worth it, and besides, it was ‘collateral damage’. And these are people the CCMA (Consolidated Corporate Media of America) think have any valid ideas? Well, I got a flash for them. When your usefulness is over, you’ll be tossed aside like used toilet paper. Remember Dan “when the president tells me to jump, I jump” Rather of Autumn of 2001, went to Dan “the traitor” Rather by the Autumn of 2004. As well, the same for anybody else, like Cunningham, Lay, Libby, and others. Used kleenex now.
The boy king georgie enjoys killing people, and so do his acolytes. It shows in every policy they push. That’s why they are so adamantly anti-abortion. The cult needs to have the kids born so they can kill them. That’s why they keep the worker class struggling. That way the military becomes a glittering option out of their situation. That gives the cult a two-fer. They can send their soldier kids out to kill other kids, and then get killed themselves. But, of course, it’s ALWAYS somebody else’s child.
Those who advocate war, “…cherish the killing of innocents…” They have lost any moral standing they may have once had to judge the innocence or guilt of anybody. And, by the way, the Nazis justified all of their actions as necessary for “National Security“, just like the ‘Cult of the bush’ does. This “cut and run” administration (remember they all avoided service during the Vietnam war), would have you believe that only they can save you from the bogeyman, while every one of their policies have been failures, or wreaked havoc on innocent people. And, by the way, don’t give me any shit about bush’s Air National Guard service. Fuck. There was a waiting list for the Army National Guard for chrissakes, and a lot of them actually were being sent to Vietnam, unlike the Texas Air National Guard. The rich little shit weaseled his way in on his name, and then couldn’t even bother to show up when they wouldn’t let him fly planes anymore while he was snorting cocaine.
Are these the people we want making decisions for us? Did you ever ride on the back of a motorcycle with a drunk driver speeding through city traffic? I have. And I’ll tell you, so is America right now. We could get lucky, I did, but the odds are seriously long. Sooner or later, it’s going to crash.
But who knows? Maybe America would buy a used car from those guys. As I’ve heard, “There’s a sucker born every minute”. I guess that would explain the success of the Limbaugh Losers (sponsored by Viagra).
Gonna be a hot day in Redneck City this weekend. This is just a fine weekend to confront them, being July 4th and all. Can’t pass up the opportunity to remind them about it’s meaning. And “Take no guff, when you strut your stuff”.