Far beyond moral

The delivery of at least 100 GBU 28 bunker busters bombs containing depleted uranium warheads by the United States to Israel for use against targets in Lebanon will result in additional radioactive and chemical toxic contamination with consequent adverse health and environmental effects throughout the middle east.
July 24, 2006

The half-life of depleted uranium is 4.5 billion years. The radioactive dust from these munitions will be poisoning the bodies and the environment of everybody in those areas where it has been used, Iraq, Kosovo and Bosnia, Afghanistan, and now Lebanon. We only have to look at the 1/4 million affected veterans of the 1991 Iraq war to see just some of the effects, the so-called Gulf War Syndrome turns out to be radioactive poisoning. Additionally, uranium is a heavy metal, akin to lead and mercury, with the same toxic effects. The people living in the areas saturated by the dust left from DU munitions use have no way to escape exposure. It’s in their food, their water, the dust that gets kicked up by passing vehicles. or just scuffling their feet. And that is everywhere now in the war theaters.

How can this be anything less than a crime against humanity, an obscenity? This is the freedom that we bring them?

No matter what you think, the people we’re sentencing to a life of dealing with the effects of our wars (I include the recent attacks on Palestine and Lebanon among our wars), are not stupid. I will remind you that the Arab culture gave us our numbers and our system of mathematics, as well as astronomy. They are NOT going to forget. How can they? They’re going to be living with it daily for the rest of their lives. Is there any sane person who doesn’t think that they may wish to exact some revenge on the perpetrators?

Here in America, we’re all aquiver over the thought that some ‘terrorist’ will pop a ‘dirty bomb’ somewhere. So scared in fact, that we’ve allowed the bush administration to gut the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, hoping that will keep us safe. And that would affect only a small area. Think about living in a country where everywhere is contaminated. And yet, we think nothing of doing that to another people. People with the same hopes and dreams as us. And worse, we’re also doing it to their children, and their children’s children. Think about that when you tuck your kids in tonight.

For more information about DU: http://www.idust.net/Docs/EnviroAudit.htm


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