You know in your heart he's right.
by A. Alexander, July 20th, 2006
The Republicans, other than being incredibly incompetent in their governance and hypocrites of the highest order, have become nothing more than caricatures of themselves. If there is a cartoon or joke in existence that highlights a Republican flaw, they've co-opted the punch-line as their platform. It would almost be funny, if they weren't so amazingly pathetic and dangerous.
Consider the issues Republicans and Bush have been debating, making into bills, and vetoing while the world literally implodes: They've debated stem-cell research and in the process made up entirely out of their overactive political imaginations, something they call "fetus farming". Something so gruesome could only originate in a weak and very sick mind. Fetus farming, which doesn't actually occur anywhere in America or in the world, according to Republicans is the practice of a woman growing a baby in her uterus for the sole purpose of allowing doctors to "harvest" the organs and tissue. Again, it is a non-practice practice that doesn't exist anywhere except in the extremely warped minds of Republicans. Yet, they put all their imaginative energy into creating an atrocity that doesn't exist, while Israel bombed Lebanon to the brink of an all out regional conflict.
For George Bush's part, as Israel busied themselves blowing to smithereens the last fragments of Mid-East stability and Turkey threatened to invade Northern Iraq, he was occupied vetoing stem-cell research. His administration had even gone so far as to call stem-cell research "murder". Murder? Yes, murder!
Bush claimed he couldn't possibly sign a bill that would make use of frozen embryonic cells in order to save and improve human lives, because doing so would be "immoral" and a "taking of life". No hypocrisy there!
Bush and Republicans had no problem whatsoever, lying the country into a war in which more than 2,500 young Americans have been killed. Bush and Republicans didn't even blink an eye when 6,000 innocent Iraqi civilians were slaughtered in the months of May and June. As for the estimated 50,000-to-150,000 total Iraqi deaths since the war began...Bush and Republicans are cool with that too. Surely, then, on the day Bush vetoed the "immoral" and "murderous" taking of "life" stem-cell bill, and the toll of innocent Lebanese civilians caused by Israeli strikes reached 300 - surely, Bush and Republicans expressed genuine concern over that taking of life? Um...not a peep!
When it comes to the wholesale slaughter of innocent walking, talking, breathing, thinking, and feeling human beings Bush and Republicans wholeheartedly support that. However, when the topic is a lump of frozen cells without thought, heart, mind, feelings, family, emotion, fingers, legs, lungs, brains, cognition or any other trait that would identify them as "human"...Bush and Republicans draw the line in the "morality" sand. The death of thousands upon thousands upon thousands of American soldiers, Iraqi civilians, Lebanese citizens, and actively cheerleading wars they create - all perfectly moral for Bush and Republicans. Curing paralysis, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease with the use of some frozen cells...completely immoral!
Still not convinced the Republicans have become pathetic caricatures of themselves? While Iran threatens nuclear weapons; while North Korea figures out how to make a missile fly a few more miles, or at all; while Israel, Hezbollah, and Hamas cut each other's throats and Turkey threatens to invade Northern Iraq - Republicans passed a bill that would ''...protect the Pledge of Allegiance from federal judges who might try to stop schoolchildren and others from reciting it because of the phrase 'under God.'"
Republicans and Bush certainly have things in a Homer Simpson kind of way.
by A. Alexander, July 20th, 2006
The Republicans, other than being incredibly incompetent in their governance and hypocrites of the highest order, have become nothing more than caricatures of themselves. If there is a cartoon or joke in existence that highlights a Republican flaw, they've co-opted the punch-line as their platform. It would almost be funny, if they weren't so amazingly pathetic and dangerous.
Consider the issues Republicans and Bush have been debating, making into bills, and vetoing while the world literally implodes: They've debated stem-cell research and in the process made up entirely out of their overactive political imaginations, something they call "fetus farming". Something so gruesome could only originate in a weak and very sick mind. Fetus farming, which doesn't actually occur anywhere in America or in the world, according to Republicans is the practice of a woman growing a baby in her uterus for the sole purpose of allowing doctors to "harvest" the organs and tissue. Again, it is a non-practice practice that doesn't exist anywhere except in the extremely warped minds of Republicans. Yet, they put all their imaginative energy into creating an atrocity that doesn't exist, while Israel bombed Lebanon to the brink of an all out regional conflict.
For George Bush's part, as Israel busied themselves blowing to smithereens the last fragments of Mid-East stability and Turkey threatened to invade Northern Iraq, he was occupied vetoing stem-cell research. His administration had even gone so far as to call stem-cell research "murder". Murder? Yes, murder!
Bush claimed he couldn't possibly sign a bill that would make use of frozen embryonic cells in order to save and improve human lives, because doing so would be "immoral" and a "taking of life". No hypocrisy there!
Bush and Republicans had no problem whatsoever, lying the country into a war in which more than 2,500 young Americans have been killed. Bush and Republicans didn't even blink an eye when 6,000 innocent Iraqi civilians were slaughtered in the months of May and June. As for the estimated 50,000-to-150,000 total Iraqi deaths since the war began...Bush and Republicans are cool with that too. Surely, then, on the day Bush vetoed the "immoral" and "murderous" taking of "life" stem-cell bill, and the toll of innocent Lebanese civilians caused by Israeli strikes reached 300 - surely, Bush and Republicans expressed genuine concern over that taking of life? Um...not a peep!
When it comes to the wholesale slaughter of innocent walking, talking, breathing, thinking, and feeling human beings Bush and Republicans wholeheartedly support that. However, when the topic is a lump of frozen cells without thought, heart, mind, feelings, family, emotion, fingers, legs, lungs, brains, cognition or any other trait that would identify them as "human"...Bush and Republicans draw the line in the "morality" sand. The death of thousands upon thousands upon thousands of American soldiers, Iraqi civilians, Lebanese citizens, and actively cheerleading wars they create - all perfectly moral for Bush and Republicans. Curing paralysis, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease with the use of some frozen cells...completely immoral!
Still not convinced the Republicans have become pathetic caricatures of themselves? While Iran threatens nuclear weapons; while North Korea figures out how to make a missile fly a few more miles, or at all; while Israel, Hezbollah, and Hamas cut each other's throats and Turkey threatens to invade Northern Iraq - Republicans passed a bill that would ''...protect the Pledge of Allegiance from federal judges who might try to stop schoolchildren and others from reciting it because of the phrase 'under God.'"
Republicans and Bush certainly have things in a Homer Simpson kind of way.