
Showing posts from July, 2006

we’re all future detainees

The president bush is not wasting any time to put the nails in the coffin of what we used to call the US Constitution. We need to only look at the statements that cheney, bush, and their cohorts have made in the past few years to know who’s going to be detained sooner or later if they manage to get this through the craven and corrupt congress. No matter what your political inclinations are, this proposal should cause an outcry. We already know what the administration thinks about dissent. But even bush allies should be thinking about this: the bush will toss you to the wolves when you are no longer useful to him. He’s done it before. He’ll do it again. And would you really want President Hillary to have this kind of power? Remember how you treated her Bill when he was President. She might still be pissed off. Sleep on that. Bush submits new terror detainee bill By Anne Plummer Flaherty, Associated Press Writer July 28, 2006

The Peculiar Disappearance of the War in Iraq

By Frank Rich July 30, 2006 Op-Ed Columnist AS America fell into the quagmire of Vietnam, the comedian Milton Berle joked that the fastest way to end the war would be to put it on the last-place network, ABC, where it was certain to be canceled. Berle’s gallows humor lives on in the quagmire in Iraq. Americans want this war canceled too, and first- and last-place networks alike are more than happy to oblige. CNN will surely remind us today that it is Day 19 of the Israel-Hezbollah war — now branded as Crisis in the Middle East — but you won’t catch anyone saying it’s Day 1,229 of the war in Iraq. On the Big Three networks’ evening newscasts, the time devoted to Iraq has fallen 60 percent between 2003 and this spring, as clocked by the television monitor, the Tyndall Report. On Thursday, Brian Williams of NBC read aloud a “shame on you” e-mail complaint from the parents of two military sons anguished that hi...

Far beyond moral

The delivery of at least 100 GBU 28 bunker busters bombs containing depleted uranium warheads by the United States to Israel for use against targets in Lebanon will result in additional radioactive and chemical toxic contamination with consequent adverse health and environmental effects throughout the middle east. July 24, 2006 The half-life of depleted uranium is 4.5 billion years. The radioactive dust from these munitions will be poisoning the bodies and the environment of everybody in those areas where it has been used, Iraq, Kosovo and Bosnia, Afghanistan, and now Lebanon. We only have to look at the 1/4 million affected veterans of the 1991 Iraq war to see just some of the effects, the so-called Gulf War Syndrome turns out to be radioactive poisoning. Additionally, uranium is a heavy metal, akin to lead and mercury, with the same toxic effects. The people living in the areas saturated by the dust left from DU munitions ...

Another 9-11 Anniversary is just around the corner.

By Vincent L. Guarisco July 22, 2006 "To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth"~~ Voltaire Once again, that time-clock of terrifying consternation is poised to chime yet again as we approach the 5th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Be as it may, if Americans paid even a little attention all these years, surely by now they have a clue as to what really happened. Even a cursory search of the Internet yields many surprising discrepancies that totally destroy the official fairytale that has been literally shoved down our throats for years. But this knowledge could only be achieved if we are wise enough to disregard, or avoid, the twisted lies of the mainstream new media. If so, then it comes as no surprise. We already know it was an inside job. Regardless of what we think we know in terms of justice, the killers believe they have pulled off the crime of the Century and will continue to politically exploit everyone and ...


On June 9 2006, in the midst of it’s usual shelling of the Occupied Territories, Israel shelled a beach in Gaza, packed with families. Among the seven killed were 3 children. “The Israeli army said it "regretted" the deaths and called a halt to the shelling.”,,1794536,00.html Thus ended the truce between Hamas and Israel. Shortly after, Hamas captured an Israeli soldier, and Israel went batshit crazy, thrashing about in Gaza like a captured alligator, killing and destroying. While this was going on, an atrocity in its own right, Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers, in solidarity with the people of Gaza. And Israel attacked. Attacked like a rabid dog. And is still attacking. Killing hundreds of innocent Lebanese, wounding tens of thousands, and creating hundreds of thousands of refugees. Israel is destroying Lebanon’s infrastructure, and attacking its army units. Giving ultimatums that they know the Lebanese government has no me...

Your suffering doesn't matter to them

Posted by BobcatJH in General Discussion: Politics Thu Jul 20th 2006, 12:46 PM at the Democratic Underground Republicans love to boast about their president, President Bush, being consistent. He says what he means, they say, and he means what he says. His faith, which he conveniently found after his life hit rock bottom, is, to hear it, his guide. But above all else, he's consistent. And they may be right, as Wednesday's news proved. In vetoing legislation that had the potential to improve - and even save - lives, the president again proved his supporters right. He has been consistent. Bush has consistently supported pain. Consistently supported suffering. Consistently supported death. But that's not all. When announcing his veto of the legislation, Bush said , "It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect", later adding "America must never a...


You know in your heart he's right. The G-DOH-P by A. Alexander, July 20th, 2006 The Republicans, other than being incredibly incompetent in their governance and hypocrites of the highest order, have become nothing more than caricatures of themselves. If there is a cartoon or joke in existence that highlights a Republican flaw, they've co-opted the punch-line as their platform. It would almost be funny, if they weren't so amazingly pathetic and dangerous. Consider the issues Republicans and Bush have been debating, making into bills, and vetoing while the world literally implodes: They've debated stem-cell research and in the process made up entirely out of their overactive political imaginations, something they call "fetus farming". Something so gruesome could only originate in a weak and very sick mind. Fetus farming, which doesn't actually occur anywhere in America or in the world, a...

a mouse-click away

idiots. the bush people are just plain dumb. do they even understand what’s happening in Lebanon? and this is the republican party that some Americans are even thinking about voting for? In Beirut, Embassy Tells Stranded Americans: Evacuation Is a Mouse-Click Away By Justin Rood - July 19, 2006, 11:58 AM Lebanon: Telephone service is spotty -- both land lines and cellular networks are on-again, off-again in war-struck areas. Some even say that cellular telephone networks are down entirely. Electricity is out in parts of Beirut and southern Lebanon, probably as a result of Israeli bombing runs which targeted civilian infrastructure, including power plants and transformers. An estimated 25,000 Americans were in Lebanon when the bombing began, according to CNN. A couple hundred appear to have made it out -- and the State Department says it plans on evacuating "as many as" 2,400 by Thursday. The rest -- by my count, more ...

the idiot hand in Pandora’s Box

The people living in the Middle East had enough problems on their hands without the idiot bush and his minions inflicting their fantasies on them. America’s occupying Afghanistan and Iraq, and threatening Syria and Iran. The idiot little georgie cult pushed the whole region onto a knife-edge of tension and instability. The death of Arafat, Sharon’s stroke, the overthrow of Hussein, all added to a vacuum of leadership and diplomacy. And the bush administration has set the standard for the new diplomacy, raw power dictates. And so, here we are. Fucking Israel has gone absolutely batshit crazy. I really don’t give a crap what their excuses are, their actions are criminal. Let’s take a short look back, shall we? This whole new explosion of insane obscenity did not start with the “kidnapping” of an Israeli soldier. It started 2 weeks earlier with the shelling of the beach in Gaza. For the past couple of months Israel has been raining 100 or so artillery shells a day on Gaza. Now, I don’t kn...

thought crimes are prosecutable

In fascist America, thought crimes are prosecutable By Bev Conover Online Journal Editor & Publisher Jul 11, 2006, 01:01 Engage in certain types of talk and you can be arrested for thought crimes. Whether they are gathered in a Miami warehouse or an Internet chatroom, if males, especially those of swarthy complexions, engage in big talk about doing evil things, even if they have neither the means nor expertise to carry them out, they stand the chance of being arrested and charged with being terrorists by US authorities. On the other hand, if an estranged husband or boyfriend threatens to kill his wife or girlfriend, police maintain they can do nothing until he takes action, which oftentimes means the woman winds up brutally beaten or dead. In the meantime, the only recourse the woman has is to seek a restraining order that, as often as not, turns out to be meaningless. Does that mean a woman's life has less value than gr...

no dissent in our endless war

The need to know: No questions, no dissent in our endless war When the House declares that it 'expects the cooperation of all news media organizations,' it is a seminal moment. by Paul Scott July 09, 2006 Star Tribune When they write the history of how America became a nation permanently at war and permanently willing to invoke the cause of war in defense of a vast trove of state secrets -- when every last corner of your life becomes the business of this newly permanent climate of war -- I hope they remember how our Republican Congress voted on the Friday before Independence Day to intimidate the press for letting us know what was happening. For those who have not been paying attention, please put down your iPods and read the following: Reps. John Kline, Gil Gutknecht, Colin Peterson, Mark Kennedy and Jim Ramstad all voted to declare that Congress "expects the cooperation of all news media organizations. ... " Chances a...

Fooled Again

by Larry Sakin July 7, 2006 OpEd News You can always tell when it's campaign season. Suddenly, all kinds of terror plots across the US are getting foiled, and groups of suspicious men meeting in skanky Florida warehouses are arrested and accused of working in tandem with Al Qaeda. The terrorism threat color wheel remains at "yellow" or elevated risk of terrorist attacks. President Bush gets tough with the media, calling them traitors if they don't tow the line and just run the White House press releases. Oh, 21st century democracy is a beautiful thing to behold. Yes, the short attention spans of the American people have been distracted back to that old bugaboo, the supposed "war on terrorism". What happened to the big hullabaloo over domestic phone and internet spying? And what happened to the indignation over the Iraqi abuse and murder charges in Haditha, Abu Ghrab, Mahmudiyah, Falluja...

Trust Is A Mutual Affair

by Mary Pitt 7/5/06 If there are two words in the English language which should raise one's level of alertness, those words are, "Trust me". In our personal lives, it takes time and experience with another to reach a comfortable level of trust and there are few who earn it. We trust those persons who deal with us honestly, who do not lie to us, and who treat our possessions and our personal interests even more carefully than their own, and do not keep secrets from us unnecessarily. Now we are asked from those in government and their supporters to invest absolute trust in a President who ascended to power over our lives and our future through two successive questionable elections and his personal appointees to the Executive Branch of our government. We are told that this is necessary because "we are at war!" Let us examine that war and the basis for the reasoning behind them. It is true that we all watched the planes fly into the World Trade Center on September 1...

Shadows On The Wall

By Sheila Samples Monday, July 03, 2006 "The power of the executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious, and the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist." ~~Winston Churchill And so we sit, shackled by self-imposed chains of fear, captivated by shadowy forms that move discordantly across the walls of our perception. Once again we are eager to accept appearance for reality. The Supreme Court ruling last week rejecting George Bush's military commissions to try Guantanamo detainees casts a huge shadow on the wall. Many are saying it not only curbed Bush and Cheney's unlimited presidential power grab, but absolved us of the responsibility of having to do anything about it. Everybody's talking about this stunning victory for democracy. That'll show Bush that he doesn't get to decide everything. The New York T...

Republican Obscenity

GOP Seeks Advantage In Ruling On Trials National Security Is Likely Rallying Cry, Leaders Indicate By Michael Abramowitz and Jonathan Weisman Washington Post Staff WritersSaturday, July 1, 2006; Page A01 […] A senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the issue is still being debated internally, seemed to hint at the potential political implications in Congress. "Members of both parties will have to decide whether terrorists who cherish the killing of innocents deserve the same protections as our men and women who wear the uniform," this official said. […] What a strange quote from the bush administration. You know, the same one that delights , absolutely delights, in killing innocent people. How else to explain the “we don’t do body counts” as the bodies stack up like cordwood at the Baghdad morgue, and countless others that we don’t hear about? The fac...