The Imperial Presidency at Work

January 15, 2006

…would have learned by now that you cannot deal in good faith with a White House that does not act in good faith
...Both of the offensive theories at work here - that a president's intent in signing a bill trumps the intent of Congress in writing it, and that a president can claim power without restriction or supervision by the courts or Congress - are pet theories of Judge Samuel Alito, the man Mr. Bush chose to tilt the Supreme Court to the right.

The administration's behavior shows how high and immediate the stakes are in the Alito nomination, and how urgent it is for Congress to curtail Mr. Bush's expansion of power. Nothing in the national consensus to combat terrorism after 9/11 envisioned the unilateral rewriting of more than 200 years of tradition and law by one president embarked on an ideological crusade...

Again, Congress appears poised to appoint another unethical man to the US Supreme Court. The hearings were a farce. When one considers that Sammy "Sam I Am" Alito openly admits that he'd say or write anything to get a job he wants.

Sam the Sham's belief system and worldview will only be fulfilled when the US comes under the tyranny of the corporatistas. And again. this doesn't appear to bother the "opposition" overly much.

The fact that he may be brilliant doesn’t qualify him for the position he was appointed for. Many brilliant minds have been turned to evil purposes. And that is where Alito’s mind has taken him. He believes in, and I mean BELIEVES in, the corporatist nightmare vision for America. No rights, no protections, no social contract with the people, and a two class society, aristocracy and peasantry. A return to the feudal system, to put it bluntly.

At this point, any senator can toss out any claim they have to morality, decency, and belief in American values, by voting for this confirmation. If they want history to remember them as the one who put the final nail in the coffin of the “American Experiment”, they’ll vote for the green eggs and ham man, Sam the Sham.

Now, I think that there must be a majority of Senators still able to think logically.

So. Here’s the thought experiment. Sit down, and follow the logic, to the consequences, of the bushista and corporatist agenda that Alito believes in:

Unbridled President You may believe that bush is the most enlightened president the world has ever seen, and can do no wrong. But, he’s not going to be in office forever. Even if he decides to stay over after his (now) legal term, he’s not going to live forever. How sure are you that his successor won’t abuse the powers you’re giving bush? Once you’ve removed the last check on his power, you’re never going to be able to get it back, short of a violent revolution.

Now look at the children you see around you in your daily lives. Would you want them to live subject to the whims of a dictator? Or the fanaticism of a theocracy?

Or how about watching them scrabbling around in the dirt for their existence? Does that sound like something you’d enjoy? By all means then, vote for Alito. That is where the logic steps you to, if you look at it dispassionately, a bleak future for all, including the “elite”.

The cold vision that bush, Alito, and their cohorts and allies, have for the world is not one that I want for my grandkids. Or kids for that matter, because the consequences are going to be felt during their lifetimes.

So, go ahead, humiliate yourselves by once again groveling on your knees in front of your “leader”, your god.

Count me out.


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