bush trimmed?

I doubt the bush will be impeached. Right now, if the 'opposition' party was serious about wanting to gain control of congress this year, they would be pounding the anointed one and all his acolytes, non-stop. And using the words that the repugs cherish so dearly: lies, murderers, traitors, thieves, immoral, corrupt, craven, divisive. Let’s stop dancing around it. All these words describe the bush administration and its allies and apologists.

The situation in Iraq and Afghanistan is falling apart. The other day, Snow warns congress that the US is about to hit the debt ceiling, and it needs to be raised. the republicans just passed a massive spending cut in social spending, and is pushing for a more massive tax cut for the rich. The military is losing faith and confidence in bush, according to a recent poll. And the bush himself just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. And also, we’ve just learned the bush has said the US will no longer be funding the reconstruction of Iraq. So, after destroying the infrastructure, and poisoning the environment of that unlucky people, we’ll be leaving them to themselves, and the tender mercies of the IMF.

All this from recent newspaper articles. The same media that has turned a blind eye to the corruption, cronyism, and lying, of the bush administration and its allies for 5 years. Hell, the NY Times held onto the wiretap story for over a year… makes me wonder what else they’re holding onto… So. Anyway. And less than a year from the mid-term elections.

the net is thrown
the lines are set
to right the wrong.
and at the side
the righteous cheer
in the neon night
that which they will rue
in the morning light.

--TM [1-3-06]

So where are the dems in all this? Still dancing around, trying to find a coherent message that will resonate in the polls? Damn. The message is right there in the headlines. ‘bush admits wiretapping’, ‘2 US troops killed’, ‘DeLay indicted’, Cunningham pleads guilty’, ‘Abramoff pleads guilty’, ‘workers wages down again in ‘05’, ‘benefits cut’, ‘republicans eye tax cuts’, ‘pensions in danger’, ‘more living in poverty in US’. Do I need to go on?

So. What will happen? Nothing. Not if we leave it up to our politicians and ‘leaders’. It’s not enough to sit on the sidelines and feel smug about the repugs’ current troubles. The moment will pass quickly, is passing right now. All these things need to be kept in the headlines, and the only way to do that is to make so much noise about it, that you can’t be ignored. And keep making noise.

I believe Americans are looking for a stark choice from the bushista regime. A complete course change. And now is the time for them to be offered that choice. Timidity in the face of tyranny will lose. And that, my friends, is what the choice boils down to.

Now is the time for each of us, individually and collectively, to loudly and proudly, and publicly, declare whether we oppose the bushistas or not. Be bold, be angry. And remember, “Take no guff, when you strut your stuff”.


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