
Showing posts from January, 2006

tough road ahead

The Alito Betrayal by Bob Fertik on January 30, 2006 - 5:18pm.Sam Alito We, the voters who elect Democrats in every election, were utterly and completely betrayed today by 17 Democratic Senators that we elected. Akaka (HI), Baucus (MT), Bingaman (NM), Byrd (WV), Cantwell (WA), Carper (DE), Dorgan (ND), Inouye (HI), Johnson (SD), Kohl (WI), Landrieu (LA), Lieberman (CT), Lincoln (AR), Nelson (FL), Nelson (NE), Rockefeller (WV), Salazar (CO) You do know that bush would’ve just appointed him anyway at the next recess. -TM

An Indictment of America Editorial Published on Friday, January 27, 2006 by the International Herald Tribune When Human Rights Watch, a respected organization that has been monitoring the world's behavior since 1978, focuses its annual review on America's use of torture and inhumane treatment, every American should feel a sense of shame. And everyone who has believed in the United States as the staunchest protector of human rights in history should be worried. Many nations - Belarus, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, Cuba, Sudan and China to name only some of the worst - routinely trample on human rights in a way that neither the United States nor any of its allies would ever countenance. But the United States wrote the book on human rights; it defined the alternative to tyranny and injustice. So when the vice president of the United States actually lobbies against a bill that bans "cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment," Human Rights Watch is ju...

At last the filibuster

Sen Kerry calls for filibuster of Alito Unclear if Massachusetts Democrat has votes needed to block nominee Thursday, January 26, 2006; Posted: 4:23 p.m. EST (21:23 GMT) WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. John Kerry has decided to support a filibuster to block the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, CNN's Congressional Correspondent Ed Henry reported Thursday. Kerry, in Davos, Switzerland, to attend the World Economic Forum, was marshaling support in phone calls during the day, Henry said. He announced his decision Wednesday to a group of Democratic senators, urging they join him, Henry said. Kerry also has the support of his fellow Massachusetts senator, Democrat Edward Kennedy. Some senior Democrats said they are worried that the move could backfire. Republicans need 60 votes to overturn a filibuster. Senior White House officials said the move makes the Democrats look bad, and Republicans already have enough votes t...

No Good

I know that I’m trying to stop the tide, and I’ve moved too far from the mainstream. But then again, I guess I always was. Mr Alito’s personal and political views and philosophy are incompatible with the Constitution of the United States, as are those of the bush administration. We can be sure from his history, that he will do what he is told. I don’t see any good coming from this. Now would be a good time to call your senators and tell them to filibuster Alito. Tell them to look into their kids’ eyes and ask themselves what kind of America they want for them. We can see what kind the bushistas want. And it ain’t pretty. Your servant here, he has been told to say it clear, to say it cold: It's over, it ain't going any further And now the wheels of heaven stop you feel the devil's riding crop Get ready for the future: it is murder Things are going to slide, slide in all directions Won't be nothing Nothing you can measure anym...

The Imperial Presidency at Work

January 15, 2006 Editorial …would have learned by now that you cannot deal in good faith with a White House that does not act in good faith […] ...Both of the offensive theories at work here - that a president's intent in signing a bill trumps the intent of Congress in writing it, and that a president can claim power without restriction or supervision by the courts or Congress - are pet theories of Judge Samuel Alito, the man Mr. Bush chose to tilt the Supreme Court to the right. The administration's behavior shows how high and immediate the stakes are in the Alito nomination, and how urgent it is for Congress to curtail Mr. Bush's expansion of power. Nothing in the national consensus to combat terrorism after 9/11 envisioned the unilateral rewriting of more than 200 years of tradition and law by one president embarked on an ideological crusade... […] Again, Congress appears poised to appoint another unethical man to the...

Jerry Texiero to be released from USMC

Breaking News--Jerry Texiero to be released from the Marine Corps By: Jack Dalton Wednesday, January 11, 2006, Camp Lejeune, N.C. – The Commanding General of the Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, N.C. has order the immediate Administrative Discharge of Jerry Texiero. Jerry is being moved from the brig to Camp Lejeune’s Separation Barracks for processing out of the Marine Corps. While I am as happy as a man can be about Jerry’s being discharged without having to face a kangaroo court, we must remember that Jerry has been a prisoner for the past 5 months. When Jerry was transferred from the brig at Parris Island to Camp Lejeune it was with the recommendation to administratively discharge Jerry. The command at Camp Lejeune rejected that recommendation. Knowing they did not have a real case against Jerry, LTC Annie Best chose to try and do a character assassination job on Jerry by release false info that was in his personal military file. To simply state that was against the law is an under...

Sam Alito, no ethics, and a liar

There are many pressing issues that Congress needs to address. For the Senate to be talking to a felon that has been appointed by the bush seems to me a waste of their time. We already know that Sam I Am will say or do anything to get a job that he wants. In an application for a position with the Reagan administration: “ advance legal positions in which I personally believe very strongly. I am particularly proud of my contributions in recent cases in which the government has argued in the Supreme Court that racial and ethnic quotas should not be allowed and the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion.” Now he says that was just to get the job, and not necessarily what he really believes.. As for the felony, lying to Congress is a felony. In 1990, while being considered for the Circuit Court, Sam the Hustler promised to recuse himself in any case involving Vanguard, in which he had a considerable financial interest. Well, he didn't. Of course, now he says it was caused...

More on Jerry Texiero and the Marine Corps

After extensive conversations about Jerry with Elaine, she sent me the following press release. – Jack Dalton -PRESS RELEASE - January 10, 2006 Jerry Texiero and the Marine Corps Willingness to Lie to “Convict” Him Elaine Smith Marine Corps Base: Camp Lejeune Jscksonville, NC Jerry Texiero--Senior citizen, arrested August 12, 2005, is facing desertion charges pending from 1965. After 4 months of solitary confinement in Florida, he is now being detained in the brig at Camp Lejeune, NC (as of December 14, 2005), and is awaiting a decision: separation in lieu of trial with no conviction (as we were told would happen) or special court martial with a maximum penalty of one year imprisonment. WE WERE LIED TO! Since Jerry’s incarceration in Aug, 2006, I have worked quietly behind the scenes to obtain Jerry’s release. I have tried to respect the fact that our troops are involved in Iraq and have been very fearful that Jerry would be held up as an example to the many Iraqi war deserters. Howeve...

Advice From An Old Man

Due to a craze of events around the world, the United States may find it necessary to reinstate the draft; that is, the U.S. government might be forced into telling our nation’s youth that they have no choice but to honor the call of Uncle Sam, don a military uniform, and go to war. The precipitating factor for such an emergency will likely be that of a joint venture between Israel and the United States, a coordinated military attack upon Iran sometime around late spring or early summer of 2006. Iran has apparently decided to do whatever it must in order to develop its nuclear facilities. On the other hand, Israel and the United States have made it clear that they will not allow Iran to do such a thing. Short of a miracle there seems to be no way out, no way to avoid such a clash. Now, if such a war does become a reality, I suppose that our government could decide to forgo a ground war, and simply bomb the hell out of Iran. However, although such a strategy would likely “fill the b...

bush trimmed?

I doubt the bush will be impeached. Right now, if the 'opposition' party was serious about wanting to gain control of congress this year, they would be pounding the anointed one and all his acolytes, non-stop. And using the words that the repugs cherish so dearly: lies, murderers, traitors, thieves, immoral, corrupt, craven, divisive. Let’s stop dancing around it. All these words describe the bush administration and its allies and apologists. The situation in Iraq and Afghanistan is falling apart. The other day, Snow warns congress that the US is about to hit the debt ceiling, and it needs to be raised. the republicans just passed a massive spending cut in social spending, and is pushing for a more massive tax cut for the rich. The military is losing faith and confidence in bush, according to a recent poll. And the bush himself just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. And also, we’ve just learned the bush has said the US will no longer be funding the reconstruction of I...