snuff film

TV plans tasteful coverage of Saddam execution
Friday December 29, 2:53 PM

Several sources said Saddam's execution would be videotaped by the Iraqi government, though it wasn't clear whether it would be released to the public or broadcast.

"We will video everything," Iraqi National Security adviser Mouffak al Rubaie told CBS News.

Judging by the Iraqi government's release Tuesday of videotape of the hanging of 13 convicts, it could be a gruesome affair. Meetings were held Thursday in at least two network headquarters over how to handle the potentially graphic images.


Talking Points Memo
(January 02, 2007 -- 04:01 PM EST)

An investigation? Now the Maliki government is going to investigate the 'Moktada' chants at Saddam's execution and the leaking of the phone-cam snuff film?

First of all, wasn't it filmed? And wasn't it clear that the hooded guys were among the chanters and taunters? Does the Maliki government know who the guys in the masks were? Or were they on special detail from the Mahdi Army?

One question seems to be who got into the room with a cell phone that allowed the surreptitious recording ...


Of course the Iraqi puppet government filmed the death of Saddam. That was going to be little georgie’s private snuff film. Remember the stories of Hitler giggling while watching the films of the bomb in the bunker plotters while they hung from meathooks, dancing to their deaths? Same thing.

Of course the portions the public would see would have been well edited. This private recording put the squelch on that plan. And THAT is what maliki’s pissed about. The farce being public. Not the farce itself.

And our little georgie? Giggling and watching his snuff film, along with everyone else who is downloading it off the net.


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