Sunday, January 14, 2007

New and ominous threats

The Guerrilla Campaign is moving. While there is a slight delay, shall we say, in setting up the domain, you can access it here. Pay a visit, let me know. The newsfeeds alone make it worth visiting, and there’s a link to the old site that you all love or hate or are indifferent to, depending on your point of view.

I’ve been sick, and not only with a nasty cold. What I see happening is sickening. It’s becoming more obvious daily that the bush is going to attack Iran. The administration is tossing around “evidence” they can’t show anyone, just like before they attacked Iraq. A new carrier task force in the area. Now what good is that for a guerrilla war in the streets of Baghdad? An admiral in overall command. New, and ominous threats. Boys and girls, the signs really all point in one direction.

The bush boy’s “new way forward” appears to be through Tehran. All this is going on under the cover of the “surge” that has everyone talking. I think it’s another case of misdirection. Of course, the administration will claim a “provocation”, but let’s remember the Gulf of Tonkin, WMD’s, and little georgie’s plan to fly a U2 over Iraq in UN colors to see if that would provoke Saddam.

The plain and simple is this. The little puke ain’t got a plan for Iraq, but he sure as shit has one for Iran. And I think it’s going to happen soon. Sure, I said it would happen last Sept or Oct, I was wrong. But if georgie’s going to do it, it’s got to be soon, before Congress can put the hobbles on his plan.

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