so what’s next?

The pervert foley affair has certainly kicked this off the front pages. This is what we should be hammering on. He’s toast. ABC has mentioned that the information came from republicans. Another used kleenex tossed as distraction, much like ken lay and the duke cunningham.

Many people I talk to are really unaware of this new act, much less the implications, but they sure do know the e-mails that foley sent. As much as foley is the revealed face of the corrupt perverts filling republican ranks and the leadership, the new Tyranny Act is more dangerous for the US.

A viciously vindictive psychopath is sitting in the White House. And the next person to sit there may not be so “enlightened” as the bush. Do we really want to find out with this obscenity of a law on the books? Do we really want the war criminal bush and his corrupt criminal administration in power for the next 2 years?

America faces many challenges ahead, as does the rest of the world. We really can’t afford to spend any more time or energy with these dickheads and their wars. The solution is for us, the people, who by the way, ARE the government, to demand impeachment of the bush administration, a complete repudiation of his policies, and to stand them up to be accountable for their actions. Which would be a first for them, by the way.

Now That You Could be Labeled an Enemy Combatant...
by Heather Wokusch
Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Since Congress recently handed Bush the power to identify American citizens as "unlawful enemy combatants" and detain them indefinitely without charge, it's worth examining the administration's record of prisoner abuse as well as the building of stateside detention centers.

As Texas governor (from 1995-2000) Bush oversaw the executions of 152 prisoners, and thus became the most-killing governor in the history of the United States. Ethnic minorities, many of whom did not have access to proper legal representation, comprised a large percentage of those Bush put to death, and in one particularly egregious example, Bush executed an immigrant who hadn't even seen a consular official from his own country (as is required by the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, to which the US was a signatory). Bush's explanation: "Texas did not sign the Vienna Convention, so why should we be subject to it?"


Action Ideas:

1. Read the Military Commissions Act of 2006 for yourself here. Find out how your congressmembers voted on this legislation, and raise the topic when they ask for your vote this November.

2. For more information on US prisoner abuse, check out BBC's report from 2005 entitled "Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons." Text and video versions are archived here. You can learn more about US prisoner's rights from the American Civil Liberties Union.

3. To take action regarding "the plight of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and other detainees held as part of the War on Terror," visit

Heather Wokusch is the author of The Progressives' Handbook: Get the Facts and Make a Difference Now (Volumes 1 and 2). Heather can be reached at


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