Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What debate?

The bush says the Geneva Conventions on degrading and humiliating treatment are vague. So apparently does congress. And so now we have the spectacle for the world to see, the president and the congress of the United States of America, debating what degree of torture is acceptable. Well. Let me give all you fuckers a clue.

If you are in control of another person, and what you are about to do to them you would not want done to you, then that's your answer. What the fuck is the problem?

If you don't mind being locked up forever, no communication with a lawyer or family, no charges, no evidence, while being slapped around and forced into stress positions, with no sleep for days at a time in a little cell that's too cold because you're naked with people making comments about your sexuality, and being raped, then, by all means, go for it. I got a shed out back.

One last message to bush, his administration, congress, the media, and anybody else who thinks its necessary. THERE IS NO DEBATE OR COMPROMISE POSSIBLE ON TORTURE.

And by the way, indefinite detention without recourse, or appeal, is also torture.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm trying to shame a bunch of sicko pervert war criminals, but I gotta try. I have two grandchildren, and I DO NOT want them growing up in a world where torture is considered just another tool in the toolbox.

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