we’re going to be dead

We will never know the damage that the bush has done to the United States and the world. By the time the final tally is in, we’re going to be dead. Our children’s grandchildren will still be paying the price. The tax cuts bush has been pushing, and his other policies, guarantee that the children of the elite won’t be paying it. And, by allowing roberts and alito seats on the Supreme Court, the Senate has guaranteed that none of the bushistas will pay for their crimes. You do know, of course, that any problems, convictions, impeachments, and the like, that they may face is going to end up in front of that same Supreme Court. One that is even more beholden to our little georgie than the one that anointed him in the first place on December 12, 2000. (Now there’s a date that should live in infamy.) And then, no doubt, we’ll see them turn up in jeb’s administration. Just as daddy bush’s assorted felons ended up in little bush’s. What a legacy to leave the kids.

The bushistas are in too deep now, there’s too much blood on their hands. They can't afford to give up any of their power, and they’ve already shown that nothing is out of bounds to hold onto it. There’s nothing to stop them. Certainly not their consciences. With this being an election year, and with the repugs’ ratings in the dumper, I anticipate a vicious year ahead. And then, when the dust settles, we’ll have to wait for the people we want out of office to tell us who won. I don’t see anything good coming out of that.

I’m afraid we’re in for some difficult times ahead. We’ve entered into George Orwell’s 1984. Endless war to chew up the excess lower class youth. Enough education in the public schools for the lower classes to learn the skills for the menial tasks necessary to support the idle elite’s way of life. And the rest will be left to scrabble about as best they can in the new “ownership society”. It’s going to be a nasty life for anyone not favored by birth or connection.

And then comes the really nastier part. The secular corporatistas and the fundamentalist bushistas will turn on each other, because absolute power will never share that power. That’s going to be vicious and violent, and the workers will be caught in the middle. It’s going to be hard to fly below the radar.

And that’s where I see us heading. Unless we put a stop to it now. The republicans and democrats have shown us that they are corrupt and craven. Their interests are not aligned with those of the people, nor are they compatible with the US Constitution. I don’t know yet what I’m going to be doing, but I don’t see the necessary changes occuring from within the “two party system” as it is now. I also don’t anticipate the consolidated corporate media of america (CCMA) being very sympathetic to our cause. Our own resources are the only resources we’re going to have.

So. What do we got? Mass demonstrations for one. Thousands, tens of thousands in the streets every night banging their pots and pans and chanting for bush’s resignation. It can’t be a one night stand. It needs to be going on every day and every night. Undermining the foundations of the bushistas beliefs through constant derision and disdain. Continuous hammering at the rapacious corporatistas. Showcasing the underlying greed and viciousness of their profits. Posters. Handbills. Haranguing on street corners. Food co-ops. Free clinics. A refusal to participate in the life of the mindless consumer. And all these things going on together and continuously. A subversion of the world view of the right. Make it cool to be a left-winger again. And be proud, dammit. Stop apologizing. Tell them to “go fuck themselves” if they don’t like it. Tell them to “get over it”. We need to be doing something everyday to dissent and oppose this regime. I “
shop-drop”. It has a more personal touch for me, and I can do it everyplace I go. Other people do freeway blogging. Let people know we’re there, and we’re in their face.

A movement that gets large and loud enough, it commands attention. It becomes too big for even our jaded media to ignore. Hell, it doesn’t even have to be coherent or coordinated. Get anybody with a gripe out into the street. The more the merrier, and the more confusion. How about this for a coherent message? Remove the cult of the corporate bush from power, and hold them accountable for their crimes. That’s what all those different voices are calling for. A repudiation of all of the bush policies and initiatives.


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