Bite Me

By Chuck Wilson

Remember the song, "Found a Peanut?" Well, sing along with this...

Propaganda, Propaganda -- nothing but Propaganda!
Oh, Rummy -- you're such a dummy.
And you're mighty crummy to fill our tummy
With nothing but Propaganda!
Bite me!

As an outspoken critic of the evil elite who try to enslave us to do their bidding, I was particularly alarmed when Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England told the Senate Armed Services Committee last week that people who publicly oppose allowing the United Arab Emirates company, Dubai Ports World, to take over management of some U.S. ports "could be threatening national security."

England said, "The terrorists want our nation to become distrustful. They want us to become paranoid and isolationist, and my view is we cannot allow this to happen. It needs to be just the opposite."

So, let me get this straight. After three years of mind-numbing repetitive speeches by Bush designed to make us distrustful, paranoid and isolationist, suddenly the deal's off? Suddenly the war and its bloody aftermath, the trumped-up lies about yellow cake, exposing undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson for no reason other than her husband, Ambassador Joseph Wilson spoke the truth and exposed the warmongering liars -- doesn't matter? Suddenly we are the liars; we are the threat to national security...?

Well, to those who refuse to address the message and spend all their energy destroying those who dare to tell the truth -- to all the so-called elite who are determined to conquer the world for their own gain...Bite me!

England also told the Senate Committee that blocking the port deal could "ostracize one of the United States' few arab allies." The UAE an ally? The same UAE that provided "safe haven" for the Taliban even after 9-11, the UAE that has far-reaching ties to the Bin Laden family, the money-gobbling Carlyle Group and is famous for its al Qaeda money-laundering activities? This "ally" is so heavily involved in sex-trade activity, especially children, that it should make all Americans sick to think that our lying leaders would stoop so low as to align our country with such scum.

So, if I'm to be labeled a "threat to national security" because I publicly oppose a scam of our lying leaders to sell the lifeblood of this nation to the scum of the UAE, they can just...

Bite me!



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