timeless truth

The timeless truth of creation
By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist
October 2, 2005
Boston Globe


I doubt that Mr. Henderson meant his FSM as a comedic chuckle producer, but rather as a way to point out the ridiculousness of teaching 'intelligent design' in science classes. The whole concept is built around one religious concept (monotheism), and ignores all other alternate stories of creation. The operative word here is 'stories'.

In truth, intelligent design isn't a scientific theory but a restatement of a timeless argument: that the regularity and laws of the natural world imply a higher intelligence -- God, most people would say -- responsible for its design...

In truth, nobody is arguing against the teaching of creationism. What they are arguing about is its inclusion in a science class. As you state, it's not science.

Teach it as philosophy, religion, whatever, but not science. Other Darwinists, many steeped in ideological antipathy to religion, resort to insult and invective. Turn your sentence around, and the description also fits the creationists (or intelligent designers, if you must. They are the same, you know.).

2+0=2. That's a fact. Predictable by mathematical theory. You will remember that the concept of zero did not exist at the time the Bible was written. Some controversy exists. Some linguists have disagreed on the definition of zero, and there are still some cultures that don't use the concept of zero. Would you want a different interpretation taught in your child's math classes? I didn't think so.

If the creationists want their children to learn their science and math from the Bible, leaving them about 3 steps behind reality, that's fine. I don't care, although I do feel sorry for their children. When they wish to force their biblical myths on all children, I take exception. Umbrage, you could say. Those believers have already called me far worse than ignorant or backwards, so I feel absolutely no need to be polite to them, or their apologists.

So, how about we keep our myths to ourselves, so we can continue to discuss 2+2=4 in our public schools' math and science classes. Remember, that's the future we're talking about. And even more important, it's our children's future we're talking about.

Tom Marshall

N Fort Myers, FL


Brian said…
Most people don't seem to grasp that the Bible is less valuable for the physical reality of its content than for its emotional reality. Inteligent design is an oxymoron. A better description would be emotional evolution--nature favors those who get along with it. My advice to the reborn creationists is to grow up.

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