Stumbling along
Bush Taps Cheney to Assess Recovery Effort
By James Gerstenzang and Mary Curtius
Times Staff Writer
12:54 PM PDT, September 6, 2005,0,3464546.story?coll=la-home-headlines
WASHINGTON — President Bush said today he was dispatching Vice President Dick Cheney to the region to assess the recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, amid growing unhappiness in Congress with the government's response.
The Senate Government Affairs Committee announced it would begin an investigation of the government's performance, and Bush said he, too, would look into his administration's response to the storm and the disaster that followed….
I wonder if we’ll see the results of these investigations before the 06 elections. It does seem as if all these so-called “investigations” just happen to finish up just after whatever upcoming election. The white house has already begun the spin that local authorities were to blame for the fiasco. Even though this has been debunked, the Rovian tactic of repeating a lie until it becomes accepted as truth, will probably work again. Katrina will be moved off the front pages, just as the war in Iraq has been. The bush has gotten his photo-ops, and “launched an investigation”. That takes care of that. He really doesn’t care. And neither does the press. They’ll just stumble along with bush to the next event.
We’ll be seeing the heart-warming stories from the president feel-good studios showing us selected potemkins of improvement and individual recovery. And we’ll begin to avoid the real story behind the scenes. The crushing poverty, the racism, the failure of agencies led by political hacks, and the consequences of all that. The growing disparity between the rich and the poor will again be swept under the rug in the discussion of the ‘death tax’.
Remember that tom delay said that the most important thing to do during a war is to cut taxes. I imagine that sentiment holds true for disasters too. Of course, though, trent lott will take the federal funds to rebuild his house, so that little georgie can play on the porch.
And now we can look forward to roberts being enshrined as chief justice. Already he’s being presented as some sort of a saint, and quite possibly also “chosen by God”. That will complete the take-over of our government by the idiot fanatics of the bushista/corporate cult.
So, what’s the point of any sort of compromise with these people? The only moral position is opposition. Fanatics don’t compromise. Ever.
By James Gerstenzang and Mary Curtius
Times Staff Writer
12:54 PM PDT, September 6, 2005,0,3464546.story?coll=la-home-headlines
WASHINGTON — President Bush said today he was dispatching Vice President Dick Cheney to the region to assess the recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, amid growing unhappiness in Congress with the government's response.
The Senate Government Affairs Committee announced it would begin an investigation of the government's performance, and Bush said he, too, would look into his administration's response to the storm and the disaster that followed….
I wonder if we’ll see the results of these investigations before the 06 elections. It does seem as if all these so-called “investigations” just happen to finish up just after whatever upcoming election. The white house has already begun the spin that local authorities were to blame for the fiasco. Even though this has been debunked, the Rovian tactic of repeating a lie until it becomes accepted as truth, will probably work again. Katrina will be moved off the front pages, just as the war in Iraq has been. The bush has gotten his photo-ops, and “launched an investigation”. That takes care of that. He really doesn’t care. And neither does the press. They’ll just stumble along with bush to the next event.
We’ll be seeing the heart-warming stories from the president feel-good studios showing us selected potemkins of improvement and individual recovery. And we’ll begin to avoid the real story behind the scenes. The crushing poverty, the racism, the failure of agencies led by political hacks, and the consequences of all that. The growing disparity between the rich and the poor will again be swept under the rug in the discussion of the ‘death tax’.
Remember that tom delay said that the most important thing to do during a war is to cut taxes. I imagine that sentiment holds true for disasters too. Of course, though, trent lott will take the federal funds to rebuild his house, so that little georgie can play on the porch.
And now we can look forward to roberts being enshrined as chief justice. Already he’s being presented as some sort of a saint, and quite possibly also “chosen by God”. That will complete the take-over of our government by the idiot fanatics of the bushista/corporate cult.
So, what’s the point of any sort of compromise with these people? The only moral position is opposition. Fanatics don’t compromise. Ever.