Those who are old enough, will remember the old soviet Union, and their five-year plans, projections, and quotas. They will also remember that the only way to meet the quotas, and therefore avoid punishment, was to lie, and just say they did. The next plan would build on the foundation of the one before. What ultimately happened was that the people and the leaders of the Soviet Union didn't have a clue as to what was real and what was fiction in their economy, their inventories, etc. The whole thing was built on lies and spin.
Which brings us to today. For five years, the bush administration of corrupt cronies and their craven syncophant media allies, have been lying, suppressing facts, spinning numbers, and making them up as they went along. And we know, now, that bush doesn't like bad news, so he has insulated himself in a cocoon of yes men. What ultimately has happened is that I don't think they have a clue anymore what is real and what is fantasy. Hell, little georgie started off in fantasy land, and dug himself in further. And the American people also are clueless thanks to the compliant CCMA.
That certainly puts us in a precarious position. How does one make rational policy decisions about anything when one doesn't even know what the hell is going on, and what resources there are to use? The US, as a country, has become a joke, with bush as clown-in-chief.
On another note, this was e-mailed to me yesterday by a reader, Take a gander at this.
Which brings us to today. For five years, the bush administration of corrupt cronies and their craven syncophant media allies, have been lying, suppressing facts, spinning numbers, and making them up as they went along. And we know, now, that bush doesn't like bad news, so he has insulated himself in a cocoon of yes men. What ultimately has happened is that I don't think they have a clue anymore what is real and what is fantasy. Hell, little georgie started off in fantasy land, and dug himself in further. And the American people also are clueless thanks to the compliant CCMA.
That certainly puts us in a precarious position. How does one make rational policy decisions about anything when one doesn't even know what the hell is going on, and what resources there are to use? The US, as a country, has become a joke, with bush as clown-in-chief.
On another note, this was e-mailed to me yesterday by a reader, Take a gander at this.