Seven Years

Seven years ago, yesterday, the war criminal bush launched the US invasion of Iraq.

Today, there is no doubt, or denying, that his administration knew that there was no justification, in neither US law, or international law, for the invasion.

Today, there is no doubt, or denying, that the US war criminals will not be prosecuted for their crimes. In fact, the bushistas are busily rewriting the history, and are being assisted in this by the CCMA*.

By giving prominent media exposure to the architects and apologists of the past 10 years is to condone and regularize the crimes they committed. The corporatists are protecting their own. Instead of the ridicule and the contempt that they deserve, they are feted and treated with utmost respect.

If we want to retain even a modicum of self-respect and freedom, we need to resist and stop this last attempt to break America to the Corporate Will.

Who is suffering in this economy? The corporatistas are doing quite well. It’s not them. We read of schools being closed, and teachers being fired all around this country. Record numbers of foreclosures, job losses, food pantries overwhelmed, increasingly large numbers of homeless families, crumbling infrastructure. And yet, they call for more cuts in these areas. They sure ain’t calling for tax increases for themselves, but have no problem increasing the working class burden. Higher fees, lower wages, and no safety net.

The full health care reform fiasco is just another example. Rep. Alan Grayson’s (D-Fla.) four page Medicare buy-in bill was all that was needed, and wanted by more than 70% of the American people. And yet what we got was this cumbersome guarantee of corporate profits.

It’s really not like this is being done on the sly. It’s right there if anybody cares to see. Now I’m not talking of a conspiracy. It’s that they just don’t care about those that they see as inferior. And for them, that is the working class, the poor, and anyone else who doesn’t accept their corporate world view. The tactics and strategy are based on only one thing. To maximize profits. Any cost that can be externalized adds to those profits.

And the tactic of divide and conquer has worked so well that we’ve got people running all over the country, pissed off, and not even knowing who or what they’re pissed off at or about. Unemployed workers condemning government workers and union workers. people demanding lower, or no, taxes, and demanding services that are paid for by those taxes, instead of calling for higher taxes for those who have benefited the most from our society. White against black. Citizens against immigrants, Christians against non-Christians. Workers against workers. And Americans against “the others”. All for corporate profit.

Which brings me back to the war and occupation of Iraq. What have the world’s peoples, or the Iraqi people gained from all the bloodshed? 4703 dead coalition troops, hundreds of thousands if not millions of Iraqi dead, millions of Iraqi wounded, maimed, and sickened, hundreds of billions dollars spent.

The corporatistas are doing quite well.

I condemn the war and occupation of Afghanistan as well, to clear up some confusion that some people seem to have of my position. But Afghanistan is not what I’m writing about today. I’m not even writing about Iraq. Others do it much better than I can.

The new "forgotten" war
Dahr Jamail
March 17, 2010

Can the 'Bush Lied' Deniers Handle the Truth?
David Corn

* Consolidated Corporate Media of America, the official source for information.


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