Elitist? or just arrogant
John, do you know how long a person making minimum wage has to work to be able to afford a pair $520 Ferragamo Loafers like you wear? At $6.55 an hour, that’s more than 79 hours. Actually even more, because of the payroll taxes that would be taken out. And that’s only if that person has no other expenses except for wussy shoes like you wear.
So, old man, except for the few males around who think it’s a great idea to gigolo off their wives like you do, who else would NOT be seeing you as just a bit elitist? Personally, I don’t find gigoloes very manly either. And I’m not all that sure one would have the cojones to do what’s necessary without first checking with the wife. Now that’s going to slow down our response time, which is probably not wise in these troubled times.
Let’s face it, John. You’ve been sucking off the public teat your whole life. You really don’t have a clue about what working people are facing. You have even less of a clue about the needs and solutions of the poor among us, or the homeless, or the unemployed. What really makes you so arrogant to think you’d make a good president. Because after all, that’s what we will be voting for in November, not a fucking commander-in-chief, no matter how often the media use that title instead of the correct one. And you sure didn’t show any sort of good judgement regarding invading Iraq either, now did you? Neither politically, militarily, or morally.
Arrogant. Elitist. Unmanly. And not very smart, looking at your academy records. That’s what defines you, John. It’s time for you to retire and enjoy your wife’s riches. That’s really all you’re good for now, isn’t it? Be honest with yourself. You’ll feel better.
So, old man, except for the few males around who think it’s a great idea to gigolo off their wives like you do, who else would NOT be seeing you as just a bit elitist? Personally, I don’t find gigoloes very manly either. And I’m not all that sure one would have the cojones to do what’s necessary without first checking with the wife. Now that’s going to slow down our response time, which is probably not wise in these troubled times.
Let’s face it, John. You’ve been sucking off the public teat your whole life. You really don’t have a clue about what working people are facing. You have even less of a clue about the needs and solutions of the poor among us, or the homeless, or the unemployed. What really makes you so arrogant to think you’d make a good president. Because after all, that’s what we will be voting for in November, not a fucking commander-in-chief, no matter how often the media use that title instead of the correct one. And you sure didn’t show any sort of good judgement regarding invading Iraq either, now did you? Neither politically, militarily, or morally.
Arrogant. Elitist. Unmanly. And not very smart, looking at your academy records. That’s what defines you, John. It’s time for you to retire and enjoy your wife’s riches. That’s really all you’re good for now, isn’t it? Be honest with yourself. You’ll feel better.