
Showing posts from August, 2008

Blockades: Acts of War

- by Stephen Lendman 8/18/08 From July 21 - 31, Joint Task Force (mostly US, but also UK, Brazil and Italy) "Operation Brimstone" large scale war games were conducted off the US East coast in the North Atlantic. Its purpose may have been to prepare for a naval blockade of Iran. Initial reports after its completion were that participating ships were deployed to Persian Gulf and Arabian and Red Sea locations to join up with the present American strike force in the region. The major media cover none of this, and US Navy sources deny it. So precise information is unclear. From what's known, however, redeployment may be planned, and a blockade may ensue. The situation remains tense and worrisome. Under international and US law, blockades are acts of war and variously defined as: -- surrounding a nation or objective with hostile forces; -- measures to isolate an enemy; -- encirclement and besieging; -- preventing the passage in or out of supplies, military forces or aid in time...

The Ed McMahon Example

by Mary Pitt 8/15/08 This morning, August 18th, the news was blaring from CNN and MSNBC: Donald Trump Bails Out Ed McMahon! The story that followed told us that poor ole Ed had fallen ill, was having a hard time financially and was in danger of losing his home. Now, I do not lack for sympathy for this poor man who had such an illustrious and munificent career and who can, even now, be seen on commercial television hawking insurance for oldsters so that they will not be devastated by one of the lingering illnesses that we oldster are prone to develop. However, can we broaden our view a bit to take in the larger scene? It is all well for a "somebody" to have a friend like Mr. Trump who is able and will ride to the rescue. But this country is full of "nobodies", (like yours truly), who suffer long illnesses in our old age, who are willing to work as much as prospective employers will allow, and whose homes and very lives depend on our fiscal savvy and our ability to sc...

August 9

At 11:02 a.m., at an altitude of 1,650 feet, Fat Man exploded over Nagasaki.

August 6


Elitist? or just arrogant

John, do you know how long a person making minimum wage has to work to be able to afford a pair $520 Ferragamo Loafers like you wear? At $6.55 an hour, that’s more than 79 hours. Actually even more, because of the payroll taxes that would be taken out. And that’s only if that person has no other expenses except for wussy shoes like you wear. So, old man, except for the few males around who think it’s a great idea to gigolo off their wives like you do, who else would NOT be seeing you as just a bit elitist? Personally, I don’t find gigoloes very manly either. And I’m not all that sure one would have the cojones to do what’s necessary without first checking with the wife. Now that’s going to slow down our response time, which is probably not wise in these troubled times. Let’s face it, John. You’ve been sucking off the public teat your whole life. You really don’t have a clue about what working people are facing. You have even less of a clue about the needs and solutions of the poor amo...