
Showing posts from January, 2008

why I’m voting for Sock Monkey

You know, I don’t understand you Republicans. You’ve allowed the bushcheney to snatch an American citizen off the street, call him an “unlawful combatant”, and toss him into jail. No courts, no lawyers, no contact with family, all on his say so alone. Are you sure you want Hillary Clinton to have that power? There’s a good chance that she’ll be your next president, and she’s still got to be pissed about what you all did to her Bill. What about being able to pick and choose whatever laws she feels like obeying. Are you really comfortable with that? And, she won’t have to tell you anything about what she’s doing. If you let george leave office with those powers intact, you’re telling the next president that all that’s ok with you. “Go ahead, we’re cool with it.” In fact, there wouldn’t be anything you could do about it, because it’s good chances the next Congress will be controlled by the democrats. Think about it. Are you really that sure one of your guys are going to win the election f...

CBS Falsifies Iraq War History

What's Going On In Mosul? Posted By Cernig January 28, 2008 I'm only asking because the US media's reporting on Iraq seems to have devolved to the level of reporting on hit-and-run accidents. What's going on in Mosul? Not more than a few weeks back we were being told that Mosul was one of the Surge's great successes, enabling a drawdown of US forces to only one battalion from a high of over two dozen. Suddenly, Al Qaeda, we are told, has regrouped in the city. There was a massive explosion that killed as many as 50 and has been blamed on AQ (although insurgency-loyal websites have a different story ). A suicide bomber killed provincial police chief Brigadier General Salah al-Juburi and two other officers the next day when they went to inspect the carnage. There were five US soldiers killed today in another explosion. There are rumors that Gadhafi's son is helping AQ there. The Iraqi Army has moved its tiny su...

the occupation of Iraq WILL go on.

I guess little georgie the bush just has to have his own Palestine. US to Insist Iraq Grant It Wide Mandate in Operations By Thom Shanker and Steven Lee Myers January 25, 2008 WASHINGTON — With its international mandate in Iraq set to expire in 11 months, the Bush administration will insist that the government in Baghdad give the United States broad authority to conduct combat operations and guarantee civilian contractors immunity from Iraqi law, according to administration and military officials. This emerging American negotiating position faces a potential buzz saw of opposition from Iraq, with its fragmented Parliament, weak central government and deep sensitivities about being seen as a dependent state, according to these officials. At the same time, the administration faces opposition from Democrats at home, who warn that the agreements the White House seeks would bind the next president by locking in Mr. Bush’s po...

The New New World Order:

A First-Strike NATO Über Alles Written by Chris Floyd Tuesday, 22 January 2008 The Lords of the West have called upon their elder chieftains of war to chart a course that will preserve their power and preeminence in the face of an ever-more uncertain future. The answer? A meaner, leaner NATO, openly committed to a nuclear first-strike strategy and stripped of all the "consensus" garbage that has sometimes hampered the organization's American bosses. Five former military headmen from the United States, Britain, Germany, France and Holland have issued a "radical manifesto" calling for "root-and-branch reform" of NATO and a new "grand strategy" yoking the United States, NATO and the European Union more tightly together in a military behemoth under Washington's dominion, the Guardian reports. The Mighty Five – who wrote their report "following discussions with active commanders and policymakers, many of whom are unable or unwilling to ...

Iraq: Seeking Victory in Defeat

By Professor William A. Cook World Prout Assembly January 16, 2008 01/16/08 - "World Prout Assembly" - “Iraq will be a central challenge – perhaps the central challenge – for whoever succeeds President Bush and has to repair the profound damage he has wrought with a war that should never have been fought …” (Editorial, The New York Times, 1/13/2008) It has come to this after seven years; the venerable New York Times, without acknowledging its own culpability in fermenting the President’s drive to war with its front page declarations of imminent threats from Saddam Hussein against America as reported by Judith Miller, finally acknowledges that this war “should never have been fought” and places the responsibility for its “repair” on the President that succeeds Bush. How righteous. How simply stated -- “to repair the profound damage he has wrought.” How exactly does this new President “repair” the lost live...

The Subhuman Stain:

Federal Court Upholds Torture and Tyranny Written by Chris Floyd Monday, 14 January 2008 Last week, a federal appeals court upheld George W. Bush's outrageous claims of dictatorial powers, ruling that he and his designated minions can torture captives -- seized and held outside any legal process -- as they see fit. What's more, the judges -- all of them appointed by one of the Bushes who have stained the Oval Office with their bloodstained filth -- further ruled that these captives are "non-persons" in the eyes of the law: subhumans, without rights, without redress -- no matter what was done to them, no matter if they were innocent. I was going to write about this story but I see that Scott Horton has already done it, and done it well. You can find some excerpts below, but you should read the whole piece as well. Horton also reveals that opposition to tyranny is part of his family heritage: his ancestor, Thomas Horton, was one of the jud...

Number Crunching:

Death Count Politics Written by Chris Floyd Sunday, 13 January 2008 In an age where Hitlerian wars of aggression are considered standard practice for "healthy" democracies (with only the "competence" of their execution being a fit subject for debate), it is difficult, if not impossible, to single out a single element of the grotesque carnival as the most macabre. But surely the warmongers' game-playing with the death toll of slaughtered Iraqis is a prime candidate. Throughout George W. Bush's rape of Iraq, which was launched on a sea of lies and spin, the warmakers and their innumerable sycophants and transcribers in the media have relentlessly downplayed the number of Iraqis being killed in the conflict -- when they deign to notice the darker-hued dead at all, that is. Bush and his accomplices have been tossing around a number of 30,000 to 50,000 for a long time; these figures -- more than 10 times the number of people killed in the 9/11 attacks -- are ob...

Why don't you Bomb Yourself and Save Us All

Gilad Atzmon / Aron Heller 01/11/08 "US Should Have Bombed Auschwitz" "President Bush had tears in his eyes during an hour-long tour of Israel's Holocaust Memorial on Friday and told Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that the U.S. should have bombed Auschwitz to halt the killing" --------------------------- Just in case the failed fool, little georgie, has forgotten: He is still enjoying the fruits of the slave labor at Auschwitz, thanks to his grandaddy, Prescott. Heir to the Holocaust Prescott Bush, $1.5 million, and Auschwitz: how the Bush family wealth is linked to the holocaust by Toby Rogers Clamor Magazine Issue 14 May/June 2002 [ Clamor ceased publication in December 2006. ]

2007 Was Worst Year of Iraq Occupation

by Dahr Jamail; IPS News; January 07, 2008 Despite all the claims of improvements, 2007 has been the worst year yet in Iraq. One of the first big moves this year was the launch of a troop "surge" by the U.S. government in mid-February. The goal was to improve security in Baghdad and the western al-Anbar province, the two most violent areas. By June, an additional 28,000 troops had been deployed to Iraq, bringing the total number up to more than 160,000. By autumn, there were over 175,000 U.S. military personnel in Iraq. This is the highest number of U.S. troops deployed yet, and while the U.S. government continues to talk of withdrawing some, the numbers on the ground appear to contradict these promises. The Bush administration said the "surge" was also aimed at curbing sectarian killings, and to gain time for political reform for the government of U.S.-backed Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. D...

Children As ‘Collateral Damage’ Of The War In Iraq

by Dan Jakopovich January 07, 2008 Western journalist: What do you think of Western civilization? Mahatma Gandhi: Yes, that would be a good idea. Great is the hypocrisy of capitalist “civilization”. On the one hand, big business and its media boast of their “democracy” and “freedom,” while at the same time in today’s world they commit the greatest crimes. They spread rhetoric about human rights while stifling human dignity in a myriad of ways. Although several tens of billions of dollars would be enough to eliminate extreme hunger in the world, the USA annually spends approximately 600 billion dollars on its military budget, while approximately 15 million children are dying from starvation every year. It appears that it is still not in the interest of the system to eliminate poverty. War is profitable, and the profits coming from the war in Iraq are evidently more valuable than human lives. Naturally, we are all ...

How many more Americans must die?

A question that each President candidate must answer January 3, 2008 - 8:15am By DOUG THOMPSON There’s a question that nobody asks Presidential candidates in this year’s run for the top job in the White House. It’s a question that must be asked: How many more Americans must die before we end the illegal and immoral war in Iraq? Forget about timetables, forget about political implications and forget about our so-called “mission” to bring Democracy to that war-torn country. We no longer have Democracy in the United States so how on earth can we export it to another country? This is a simple question of life and death. How many more dedicated men and women must die before we admit we were wrong and bring them home? The American death toll will soon top 4,000. I suspect it passed 4,000 a long time ago because the Pentagon has played fast and loose with the numbers and some who died after leaving the country with wounds died later from those wou...

About that UN Mandate for Occupation

Bush, Maliki Break Iraqi Law to Renew UN Mandate for Occupation by Raed Jarrar and Joshua Holland; AlterNet; January 01, 2008 On Tuesday, the Bush administration and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki pushed a resolution through the U.N. Security Council extending the mandate that provides legal cover for foreign troops to operate in Iraq for another year. The move violated both the Iraqi constitution and a law passed earlier this year by the Iraqi parliament -- the only body directly elected by all those purple-finger-waving Iraqis in 2005 -- and it defied the will of around 80 percent of the Iraqi population. Earlier in the week, a group representing a majority of lawmakers in Iraq's parliament -- a group made up of Sunni, Shiite and secular leaders -- sent a letter to the Security Council, a rough translation of which reads: "We reject in the strongest possible terms the unconditional renewal of the mandate and ask for clear mechanisms to obligate all foreign troops to c...