Attack Journalism

Wall Street Journal and New York Times Attack Journalism
- by Stephen Lendman

This article addresses two of the writer's favorite corporate media targets - the Wall Street Journal's far-right editorial page and New York Times on every page. Both broadsheets were recently in attack mode taking on two Latin American leaders deserving praise but never getting any other than occasional backhanded kinds from papers devoted to one dual core mission - supporting the power elite and their own bottoms lines...

The Wall Street Journal and New York Times attacked two Latin American leaders unwilling to surrender their nations' sovereignty to ours with Hugo Chavez being boldly vocal about it. Since elected in 1998, Chavez charted his own independent course building a new mass social and political revolutionary movement based on participatory democratic social equity and justice. It began as his Bolivarian Revolution inspired by the vision of 18th century liberator Simon Bolivar to end what Bolivar called an imperial curse "to plague Latin America with misery in the name of liberty." In eight years in office, Chavez went a long way toward achieving it but knows there's much more needed to move things to the next level toward a "new socialism of the 21st century" based on humanistic democratic principles of solidarity and respect for political, economic, social and cultural human and civil rights built from the bottom up...
full article


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