Body Bags and Death

“Why should we hear about body bags and deaths, and how many, what day it’s going to happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Or, I mean, it’s, it’s not relevant. So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?”
- Barbara Bush, March 18, 2003

"feels good!"
- George W. Bush, March 19, 2003

Four years ago, the president bush began his Iraq atrocities. At the time, over 70% of Americans supported his obscenity, and those that opposed it were reviled and called unAmerican and treasonous. French fries became freedom fries, and French champagne was poured down the drain, because that country’s government wouldn’t support the crimes of bush. Only in the US was there popular support for this adventure. The world’s peoples were overwhelmingly opposed, but that didn’t stop several governments from jumping in, either from a desire to share in the spoils, or they were coerced by the US.

The Iraqi people have suffered through 4 years of death and destruction for no purpose, but to satisfy the US bloodlust. Six months from now, a year from now, it will still be happening. One would think that a righteous folk would rise and throw the people responsible for these crimes out of power and into prison, confiscating their riches in the process. But in America, they are still accorded respect and admiration. They and their allies have suffered no ill effects, on the contrary, they have grown even richer.

One would think that the scandals of corruption and abuse of power that have been revealed in recent weeks would cause a righteous anger in a free people. They haven’t.

On this anniversary, we need to ask ourselves, are we a righteous people, or are we just as greedy and mendacious as those in power. Will we tell are children and grandchildren that we sat by and let evil men destroy those who lacked the power to oppose them?

This occupation must stop. The United States of America can no longer hold it’s head up and declare itself a free and righteous and moral nation if we allow it to continue. How can we call ourselves christian when we see a child whose guts have been blown out by OUR bombs and say, well, it had to be done to honor the sacrifice of our soldiers who have died in that country. Are we fucking nuts? Oh yeah, I forgot, American Idol is on.

Read barbara bush’s quote again. Why do we still give respect to people like that? Why do we reward them? We have lost our soul. Or rather, we have sold our soul. We have sold our souls and collected the blood of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis in return. What will you do with your share?


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