hands dripping with blood

Even with his hands dripping with the blood of tens of thousands of innocents, the president bush still thinks he has the moral standing to speak to anybody about morals and marriage. I'm speaking, of course, of the bi-annual proposal to amend the US Constitution to discriminate against gay people. The sacred institution of marriage, my ass. These bed-hopping republican perverts need a wedge issue, any wedge issue, because they have nothing else.

The only record they have is corruption and cronyism, massive debt, tax cuts for the rich, the Iraq war with all its carnage, and Katrina. Not much to run on. As for the morally challenged bush administration, the stakes couldn't be higher. If the republicans lose control, they know there are going to be investigations leading to criminal indictments, and possibly impeachment. I say possibly because the dems haven't shown much stomach for that option. Lord knows there's enough material to warrant it.

Of course, there's still the flag burning issue to debate, and under all this brouhaha, the bush still wants to sneak through his repeal of the estate tax, adding even more weight to the crushing burden of debt we'll be leaving the kids and grandchildren.

Iraq is spiraling out of control. Our unfinished business in Afghanistan is beginning to take the same route. I've mentioned the debt earlier. And the congressional republicans can't seem to find the time to debate these issues, or provide any kind of oversight, or check on the bush ambitions. And they want us to return them to congress. People are right. They're insane. They're living in some sort of fantasyland.

So. We had enough yet? It really is long past time for those people to be gone. We can send a message to the world, one that you know they’re waiting for, “The adults are back in charge.”


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