Why another War?
The bushistas are out rattling sabers again, and denying that there are plans to attack Iran.
This why it is going to happen. Our little georgie has given an ultimatum to Iran: “Do as we tell you, or else.” He’s not going to back down. He can’t afford to, now that his Iraq adventure has come to such a humiliating defeat for him and his policies. His alcoholic ego won’t let him. Iran is not going to back down. There is no evidence that Iran is doing anything in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, although the US is sure in violation with bush’s recent deal with India, and it’s insistence on developing new weapons.
If Iran is wanting to develop atomic weapons, that’s a situation that would be years down the road. Today Iran announced that it has been successful in enriching a small amount of uranium to commercial reactor grade, about 4%. Iran has 164 centrifuges working on this effort. In order to enrich enough uranium (about 90%) for even one bomb would take tens of thousands of centrifuges working 24 hours a day for years. Not exactly an imminent threat.
No. That’s not the reason the bush is going to attack Iran. The voices in the Enlightened One’s head are telling him to kill again. “Bring us fresh blood” they whisper in his ear, seducing him to unbridle his lust and wallow in the death sex he needs.
The second reason is the elections in November. The bushistas cannot let control of Congress to slip from their hands. If they do, there’s going to be hard time served for many of them, and public humilation for the rest.
There are only two things that will reverse bush’s disastrous slide in polls. One is a terrorist attack in the US, certainly not out of the realm of possibility for the bush and his acolytes. The second is another war, a fresh war, one filled with the promises unfound in Iraq, and fueled by the dark fantasies of the bushistas. And the date range is in September or October. After georgie’s vacation.
And you know what else? Either one would probably work. Even though the administration’s lies are in the public realm now, and they have not been able to give us a reason why we should believe them now, the American public will leap on board, “a-whoopin’ and a-hollerin’”, just like they did with the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Just a sick perverted group of people being led by madmen.
A christian nation, my ass.
The Human Costs of Bombing Iran
By Matthew Rothschild
April 11, 2006
The Progressive
“…let’s look at what the human costs of dropping a tactical nuclear weapon on Iran might entail.
They are astronomical.
“The number of deaths could exceed a million, and the number of people with increased cancer risks could exceed 10 million,” according to a backgrounder by the Union of Concerned Scientists from May 2005…
If the United States used nuclear weapons against Iran, it would be violating the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty, which prohibits nations that possess nuclear weapons from dropping them on nations that don’t.
But in the Bush Administration, planning to do this is just “normal” behavior.
And a million casualties or more?
For Bush, that is evidently not a disqualification.”
Why the United States will attack Iran in 2006
By Dave Eriqat
April 7, 2006
“A new war against Iran would divert attention from Iraq and firm up public support for the President and his party, as is evidenced by the renewed passion for red-white-blue and yellow magnetic ribbons.
Another good reason for a war against Iran is to divert attention from the economy. It's obvious now that the U.S. housing bubble is deflating. Whether it continues deflating gradually or snowballs with spectacular consequences is anyone's guess. How it plays out is largely subject to people's perceptions. People are still fairly optimistic about the economy, so perhaps that's why the housing bubble is deflating slowly right now. But that could change. In any event, with the housing bubble the driving force behind current consumer spending, and with consumer spending driving the economy, as the housing bubble deflates, consumer spending will go down. An imminent decline in consumer spending coupled with other indicators, such as converging bond yields, hint at a recession late this year.
A new war would be a great diversion from economic woes and afford the government a chance to pump "liquidity" into the economy. The U.S. Government recently discontinued reporting the broadest measure of the money supply, M3, perhaps in order to hide future liquidity injections.”
This why it is going to happen. Our little georgie has given an ultimatum to Iran: “Do as we tell you, or else.” He’s not going to back down. He can’t afford to, now that his Iraq adventure has come to such a humiliating defeat for him and his policies. His alcoholic ego won’t let him. Iran is not going to back down. There is no evidence that Iran is doing anything in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, although the US is sure in violation with bush’s recent deal with India, and it’s insistence on developing new weapons.
If Iran is wanting to develop atomic weapons, that’s a situation that would be years down the road. Today Iran announced that it has been successful in enriching a small amount of uranium to commercial reactor grade, about 4%. Iran has 164 centrifuges working on this effort. In order to enrich enough uranium (about 90%) for even one bomb would take tens of thousands of centrifuges working 24 hours a day for years. Not exactly an imminent threat.
No. That’s not the reason the bush is going to attack Iran. The voices in the Enlightened One’s head are telling him to kill again. “Bring us fresh blood” they whisper in his ear, seducing him to unbridle his lust and wallow in the death sex he needs.
The second reason is the elections in November. The bushistas cannot let control of Congress to slip from their hands. If they do, there’s going to be hard time served for many of them, and public humilation for the rest.
There are only two things that will reverse bush’s disastrous slide in polls. One is a terrorist attack in the US, certainly not out of the realm of possibility for the bush and his acolytes. The second is another war, a fresh war, one filled with the promises unfound in Iraq, and fueled by the dark fantasies of the bushistas. And the date range is in September or October. After georgie’s vacation.
And you know what else? Either one would probably work. Even though the administration’s lies are in the public realm now, and they have not been able to give us a reason why we should believe them now, the American public will leap on board, “a-whoopin’ and a-hollerin’”, just like they did with the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Just a sick perverted group of people being led by madmen.
A christian nation, my ass.
The Human Costs of Bombing Iran
By Matthew Rothschild
April 11, 2006
The Progressive
“…let’s look at what the human costs of dropping a tactical nuclear weapon on Iran might entail.
They are astronomical.
“The number of deaths could exceed a million, and the number of people with increased cancer risks could exceed 10 million,” according to a backgrounder by the Union of Concerned Scientists from May 2005…
If the United States used nuclear weapons against Iran, it would be violating the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty, which prohibits nations that possess nuclear weapons from dropping them on nations that don’t.
But in the Bush Administration, planning to do this is just “normal” behavior.
And a million casualties or more?
For Bush, that is evidently not a disqualification.”
Why the United States will attack Iran in 2006
By Dave Eriqat
April 7, 2006
“A new war against Iran would divert attention from Iraq and firm up public support for the President and his party, as is evidenced by the renewed passion for red-white-blue and yellow magnetic ribbons.
Another good reason for a war against Iran is to divert attention from the economy. It's obvious now that the U.S. housing bubble is deflating. Whether it continues deflating gradually or snowballs with spectacular consequences is anyone's guess. How it plays out is largely subject to people's perceptions. People are still fairly optimistic about the economy, so perhaps that's why the housing bubble is deflating slowly right now. But that could change. In any event, with the housing bubble the driving force behind current consumer spending, and with consumer spending driving the economy, as the housing bubble deflates, consumer spending will go down. An imminent decline in consumer spending coupled with other indicators, such as converging bond yields, hint at a recession late this year.
A new war would be a great diversion from economic woes and afford the government a chance to pump "liquidity" into the economy. The U.S. Government recently discontinued reporting the broadest measure of the money supply, M3, perhaps in order to hide future liquidity injections.”