Iraq War Protests

March to New Orleans to Protest Iraq War

The Associated Press
Tuesday 14 March 2006

Mobile, Alabama - Hurricane victims and war veterans set out Tuesday on a march to New Orleans to protest the war in Iraq and what they view as a lack of relief aid for storm victims.

Paul Robinson, the local chapter president of Veterans for Peace, said the 140-mile "Walkin' to New Orleans" march is scheduled to end Saturday.

He said marchers, including several victims of Hurricane Katrina, are demanding not only an end to the war but also a large increase in resources to help hurricane victims rebuild their lives. He expected about 300 marchers to join in, some walking the entire distance and other joining at the end.

Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, who spent a month protesting outside President Bush's ranch last summer, was expected to join the marchers in New Orleans, her sister, Dede Miller, said Monday.

"I'm marching because this will bring attention to the war and what's going on here in the South. It's outrageous," Miller said.

Military Families to Oppose War Throughout US This Weekend

t r u t h o u t Press Release
Thursday 16 March 2006

Military families in 26 states and Puerto Rico commemorate third anniversary of Iraq War.

Washington, DC - This weekend, military families in at least 26 states and Puerto Rico will be participating in over 50 events including vigils, rallies, teach-ins, press conferences, marches and demonstrations commemorating the 3rd anniversary of a war that should never have happened.

Military families with loved ones currently in Iraq, those with loved ones who may deploy or redeploy, those with loved ones who have returned with physical and psychological wounds, and families with loved ones who died as the result of the war in Iraq, will be speaking out and calling on members of Congress and Senators to show some leadership, end the war in Iraq, bring our troops home now and take care of them when they get here.

Speaking out through tears, fear and pain, families with loved ones who are serving, have served or may serve in Iraq will pay tribute to the over 2,300 US service men and women and the tens of thousands of Iraqi children, women and men who have lost their lives as a result of a war based on lies. Military families will speak about their loved ones and all who remain in harm's way because of the continued US occupation of Iraq. In many of the upcoming events families will be joining Iraq War Veterans and Veterans of other eras to tell the 'ground truth' of this war. These families, service members and former service men and women will speak about the human cost of the war - a cost that the Bush Administration still seeks to keep hidden, as it continues to ban the photographing of the flag-draped coffins returning to Dover Air Force Base.

Events involving Military Families Speak Out members are now scheduled to take place in Alabama, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, Washington, Washington DC, Wisconsin and Puerto Rico. Events in additional states may be added. To see a complete list (updated regularly) and details of events, see

Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) was founded in November 2002, by two military families speaking out to try to prevent a US invasion of Iraq. The membership of MFSO now includes over 3,000 military families speaking out to end the war, bring our troops home now and take care of them when they get here. It is the largest organization of military families opposing a war in the history of the United States.


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