
Showing posts from November, 2005

A call to help

The Bendermans need our help! Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - Jack Dalton I need some folks to dig into their pockets. Here is what this is about and why. Kevin and Monica Benderman need our help. Monica has not asked me to do this; this I do on my own just becase it needs to be done. Here is what I am talking about:Kevin is in jail because, as a matter of conscience, he knew he could not participate in an on-going war crime—Iraq’s invasion and occupation. ( See the Benderman Timeline for full details ) The Army, when it sent Kevin to jail, sent him 3,000 miles away from the jail at his base in Georgia. The only way Kevin and Monica can talk is by phone. That is a $25 per 20 min call. 3 calls a week is over $300 a month. Add a couple of emergency calls and now its up to about $500 per month. They don’t have the money, period.For the past 4 months I have been paying their house note; I will not sit by and watch Kevin c...

Ridin’ the Bus With Deborah

by Doris Colmes, MSW 11/29/05 When Deborah Davis hit the news, I got hit as well – right in the pit of my stomach where terror hides, and panic lurks.. “Oh God, I mumbled, “It’s happening again” And just exactly what had Deborah done to get this emotionally detached old lady into such a replay of emotions left over from 1938 Nazi Germany? It was the gut-wrenching realization that the Nazi Police State in which I was raised has come back to roost – in the United States. Deborah, who commutes by bus in Denver, Colorado, had been asked to present her I.D. to a man in uniform. If she didn’t, she was told, it would mean walking several miles to her job. So, she complied, but, it rankled. Deborah knew that, unless she was being a danger to self or others, behaving irrationally, or drunk and disorderly, no one had the right to ask for her identification. As long as she was sitting quietly in her seat, she could not be arbitrarily asked for ID. (She’d learned that in her 8th grade Civics...

Burdens of Proof

The bush administration lies. they've been lying from the moment bush took the Oath of office in January, 2001. We know they lie, because they've used lies on their people in the past. Their lies have led to: - the looting of the US Treasury; - two wars where 100,000+ Afghans and Iraqis have been killed, and 2100+ American military have been killed; - the rape of the Bill of Rights; - false and illegal arrests and detention of American citizens; - the destruction of the social safety net for American workers. This is by no means an exhaustive list. It goes on and on. Now cheney's bitching because they're being called out for their lies. Well, that's too bad. His statements of innocence and outrage are just so much fluff. "They're lying. It's just false, not true, inaccurate and typical.", as rumsfeld has put it. Well, to paraphrase cheney as he put it so elegantly regarding Saddam Hussein, "The burden of proof is entirely on the bush administ...

To be or not to be...

To be or not to be… How are you doing? Ready for the holidays? It's that time of year again, when we reflect on our nuclear families and express our affections for same. It is also the time of year to reflect on the past, take a moral inventory and begin anew in the coming year. Consider this: Many thousands of earthquake victims in Pakistan and Kashmir continue to be left to die. The refugee camps in Darfur in the Sudan continue to be attacked as hopes for peace fade. Malaria continues to kill children all over the globe and scientists are warning of an impending viral pandemic. Environmental degradation is increasing at an accelerated pace. And, of course, the war of terror in Iraq continues to claim lives every day. The congress in Washington needs more money in order to continue the war so it is cutting spending on programs like food stamps for the poor. They hope to stimulate the economy by extending the tax breaks for the wealthy… Am I getting through? These are just the head...

Riding in Redneck City

Let’s see: I sponsor a race car. My job deals with construction. I live on a little street out in Redneck City, with the wife and my dogs. I shop-drop every place I go. I write letters to the editor to tell them they’re wrong. And I take no guff, when I strut my stuff. You might want to use your rights while you still got ‘em.

Veterans Day 2005

Bush's War on Veterans November 9, 2005 By Mary Shaw On Friday, November 11, Americans will observe Veteran's Day. This is a day set aside to honor our war veterans. I cannot think of a more worthy purpose for a holiday. Now let me guess: this Veteran's Day, George W. Bush will strut his way into a specially choreographed photo opportunity and smirk and say some carefully crafted yet predictable and hollow-sounding words about how the American people appreciate the sacrifices that our veterans have made in the noble quest to defend freedom and democracy. And he will be right. We the people do appreciate the sacrifices that our veterans have made. After all, our brave veterans made those sacrifices while Dubya's congressman dad pulled enough strings to get his boy out of harm's way and into the elite Texas Air National Guard to avoid Vietnam. Our brave veterans made those sacrifices while Dick Chene...

new evidence of the same old

Not that we really need anymore evidence of the criminality of the bush administration. Today's Independent (UK) reports on an Italian documentary about the atrocities committed by the US military in the Nov 2004 destruction of Fallujah. Many independent commentators and reporters at the time tried to bring this information to the American people, but, as usual, they were basically ignored by the CCMA*. White phospherous bombs, and the new napalm (Mark 77), banned weapons by the UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons of 1980, were used. ..."Phosphorus burns bodies, in fact it melts the flesh all the way down to the bone ... I saw the burned bodies of women and children. Phosphorus explodes and forms a cloud. Anyone within a radius of 150 metres is done for."... Think about that. Picture that. FEEL that. Is that what you want done in your name? And do you really think it's confined to just Falluja...

Incident at the Pinellas Trail

Source of impeachment banner remains unknown County officials don't know who hung a political banner on the Pinellas Trail overpass, but they took it down as soon as they heard about it . By NICOLE JOHNSON Published November 6, 2005 PALM HARBOR - Motorists and pedestrians passing the Pinellas Trail overpass just north of Curlew Road one morning last week were asked to take on a hefty task. "Impeach Bush Now!" read a large white banner hanging from the overpass. And so it seemed, a particularly politically contentious week had spilled out onto the Pinellas Trail. It's not clear who posted the 19-foot-long vinyl banner, but Pinellas County officials said it was not sanctioned. The sign was likely put up Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning, said Paul Cozzie, county director of parks and recreation. A local Democratic group denied responsibility for the message. "That was not the work of...

Drifting towards a Police State

by Mike Whitney November 04, 2005 “Those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid the terrorists for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve. They give ammunition to America's enemies and pause to America's friends” - Former Attorney General, John Ashcroft Did you know that under the terms of the new Patriot Act prosecutors will be able to seek the death penalty in cases where “defendants gave financial support to umbrella organizations without realizing that some of its adherents might eventually commit violence”? (NY Times; editorial 10-30-05) So, if someone unknowingly gave money to a charity that was connected to a terrorist group, he could be executed. Or, that the Senate Intelligence Committee is fine-tuning the details of a bill that will allow the FBI to secretly procure any of your personal records without “pro...