
.                                 Change of Circumstance Some union huh? The United States was born out of revolution. The crazy king was treating his own people as second-class citizens. The French and Spanish kings were not doing this. Where is the justice in that? This ill treatment came about in the lifetime of most of the original patriots. The king and many of his island subjects were paying a dear price for the Seven Years War with France. The declaration of independence is replete with examples of the injustices. At this very time in history a revolution of ideas was occurring, the enlightenment. Mix the two and you have something that even the authors of the constitution could not fully grasp, nor did they pretend to. They simply tried their best. The preamble to the constitution, which legal scholars agree, has no force in law, States: ”We the people (herein after known as property holders)...

your and you're. knowing the difference


The White House


regime change



COLLUSION. Is an agreement between two or more persons to defraud a person of his rights by the forms of law, or to obtain an object forbidden by law. It implies the existence of fraud of some kind, the employment of fraudulent means, or of lawful means for the accomplishment of an unlawful purpose. May Hosiery Mills v. United States District Court in and for Dist. of Montana, C.C.A. Mont., 64 F.2d 450, 454. A secret combination, conspiracy, or concert of action between two or more persons for fraudulent or deceitful purpose. W. E. Bowen Improvement Co. v. Van Half ten, 209 Mo.App. 629, 238 S.W. 147, 149; Daly v. Haight, 156 N.Y.S. 538, 541, 170 App.Div. 469. BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY REVISED FOURTH EDITION

This one’s for Florida residents.

The Supreme Court ruled in U.S. TERM LIMITS, INC. v. THORNTON, (1995), that neither Congress, nor the States have the power to impose term limits, or any other requirement beyond that which is enumerated in Article One of the U.S. constitution. To assist dick scott, the skeletor of Florida, here is how to amend the constitution. Please read it carefully, and stop embarrassing us and yourself with your lead off ad to replace Bill Nelson in the Senate. Article V The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed...
Tough Guys in the Senate So, they voted to continue funding the abomination in Yemen. Each party struggles to take the strongest stance in the fight with our many enemies. *The neo-liberals and most of the Republicans think it is a good idea to contribute to the continued destruction of one of the poorest countries on earth. The Saudis’ want it to be their breadbasket when they make the move to desalinate with nuclear power--very forward thinking of them. We want to keep Arabia as a partner in order to keep the price of energy low, thereby harming the emerging oil rich countries of Venezuela, Brazil, Iran and, of course Russia. I suppose the politicians feel that the voters are to ignorant to understand the geo-political maze of the modern global economy; that the economic benefits of slaughtering a million starving people has to be understood in all of its rich complexities; that those who oppose the atrocity are weak, stupid, do-gooders with a kind heart but no sense. Well to them...
The State of the Union We are now in the process of taxing the persons of the United States to develop a Military and security system that is beyond belief. At he same time that we are gutting all regulatory agencies, diminishing social programs and down sizing the State Department. Democracy is dying or dead in most states and civil liberties are being eroded faster than ever before. The media holds on to the quaint notion that it is still possible to change our circumstance or, in the case of state controlled media, that this is normal. Some believe that a Democratic wave in this years elections could reverse the power grab. For the most part it will only change the name of the oppressors. Democrats have no intention, beyond lip service, of lessening the security state, of reestablishing the 4 th or 8 th amendments, restoring regular order, building up the State Department or increasing social programs. They can’t even agree on “Medicare for all”. Division is the word o...

Hey, American People!

By Sheila Samples December 13, 2010 "The time is always right to do what is right" - Martin Luther King, Jr. Whew. Nasty. That was one hell of a campaign season; one hell of an election. Democrats emerged, bruised and broken, yet their mindset seems to be -- hey, we survived Bush, how bad can it be? Sadly, the grim truth they refuse to face is -- we didn't survive Bush... The radical right-wing, neo-conservative, religious-based, hate-empowered GOP once again owes the half-crazed ideologues in the Supreme Court a hearty thanks for plunging yet another dagger into the heart of democracy with its Citizens United corporate giveaway. And no Justice on that venerable body is more ideologically rigid than Dick Cheney's hunting buddy Antonin Scalia, who ramrodded the Court's 2000 Presidential "Selection" for George W. Bush, and is now out there taking aim at the century-old 17th Amendment to the US Constitution, which is literally the last barrier to a corp...

Federal Wage Freeze:

It's Like Tipping the Rich for Being Rich the Rude Pundit 11/30/2010 see also: Obama imposes pay freeze on 2.1 million federal workers Unemployed and Unnoticed Let us not argue for a moment the economics of President Obama's proposed federal employee pay freeze , except to say that it's about as uselessly symbolic a gesture as giving a piece of fruit to a fat man. Instead, let us think for a moment about the utterly dumbfounding and worthless political nature of the act. Because the Republicans are like that fat guy, and they're gonna take that fruit and say, "That's great. Now give us the rest of the groceries 'cause we're fucking fat and hungry here." There was something just sorrowfully pathetic about watching the President, in the midst of negotiating...

Only If We Let It

By Sheila Samples October 17, 2010 "History will repeat itself -- only if we let it"~~ Mike Malloy Hardly a day goes by that we are not inundated with demands to attack Iran. Our media, our Congress -- packs of neoconservatives -- have been howling for war on Iran for years. And years. This reckless axis has been relentless in its orchestrated effort to manipulate and influence public opinion. And, if we are to believe the myriad of polls, it's working. According to investigative journalist Gareth Porter, who wrote on July 30 that "polling data for 2010 show a majority of Americans have been manipulated into supporting war against Iran -- in large part because more than two-thirds of those polled have gotten the impression that Iran already has nuclear weapons." Horror Tent Revival Is it possible that a majority of Americans can be lured again into the tent of horror to support yet another bloody war? Have we learned nothing from history -- the blatant lies th...

nine years later


Tear Down The Statue Of Liberty

by Mary Pitt September 19, 2010   It seems that the Statue of Liberty has lost its meaning and so might as well be razed and the island on which it stands can be put to better use, something like another huge amusement park for the enrichment of Disney or some other large entertainment corporation. If you doubt that this is true, try reading and really thinking about the words that are inscribed on its base: Send me your tired, your poor The wretched refuse of your teeming shore Your huddles masses yearning to be free Send these your tempest-toss'd to me I lift my lamp beside the golden door Does that make sense to you? As if we didn't have enough tired, poor, and wretched refuse of our own! Why should we import more? There just isn't enough money to keep them alive but they would be better off dead, right? Just ignore them and let God handle the problem. If those who sprung from the Tea Party to win the primary elections really represent the "will of the people",...

With Friends Like These

by Mary Pitt September 7, 2010 My middle-American heart swelled with pride in January, 2009, as our new President took his oath of office: pride in an America that could choke back two hundred years of prejudice and go to vote for a young, untried man to lead us out of the swamp in which the last holder of that seat had stranded us; pride that we had survived with sufficient strength that we could avail ourselves of the opportunity to rebuild out nation to the land of freedom and opportunity that we once enjoyed, and pride that the common people had come out in force to win the election and restore our ownership of our own democracy. How wrong! The very same people who elected this man and, in addition, gave him a predominantly Democratic Congress to assist him in his task, are the ones who are sitting on their haunches and wailing like a pack of forlorn hound dogs. "He set the wrong priorities!" "He isn't doing enough!" :He isn't doing it fast enough!"...

Conspicuously Silent on the Hurricane Katrina Anniversary

Right-Wingers Are Conspicuously Silent on the Hurricane Katrina Anniversary: by the Rude Pundit 8/31/2010 Michelle Malkin, whose Shih Tzu yips of desperation for relevance have grown hoarse of late, puts the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina in context for us all: "[D]on't expect any of these reconciliation-seeking leaders to confront the indelible stain of racial demagoguery left by the left in Katrina's aftermath." Yep, that's right. For Malkin, it's time for the left (especially the black left) to apologize to white people for saying mean things about them because of Katrina. Or implying mean things, as when she slams Jimmy Carter for saying, at Coretta Scott King's funeral, "We only have to recall the color of the faces of those in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi, those who were most devastated by Katrina, to know that there are not yet equal opportunities...

August 9, 1945


Sanctions against Iran

Iran's nuclear standoff: who is the loser? Kourosh Ziabari July 25, 2010 It's more than 8 years that the world's newspapers are filled with miscellaneous news, reports and commentaries concerning Iran's nuclear program. Controversy over Iran's nuclear program has spanned through two administrations in Iran: ex-President Mohammad Khatami's government and the incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's administration. The term "Iran nuclear program" returns more than 6 million results in Google web search. Thousands of scholars, journalists, politicians and political pundits have made their own statement regarding this debatable subject. Terminologically, Iran's nuclear program calls to mind the words holocaust, Israel, Zionism, Axis of Evil, George W. Bush, stretched hands and uranium enrichment. The world is watching the uninteresting continuation of confrontation over Iran's nuclear program and the opportunist journalists find this tedious c...

The Glory of White-Wing Politics

By Sheila Samples July 5, 2010 "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress...but then, I repeat myself." - Mark Twain Much has been written -- argued heatedly by ideological TV pundits -- over the past several years about the inability of members of Congress to agree on anything. Republicans stomp around like elephants in a china closet, shouting "No! No! Hell No!" no matter what legislation comes before them. Democrats, in a timid effort to reach across the aisle, stumble and fall down, where they just sit, plaintively begging, "Please don't hurt me..." Both parties are adrift; cut loose from their moorings -- in total disarray. Much of the chaos is a result of the previous administration lighting a myriad of fuses before slinking into the shadows, setting off a string of political and financial explosions designed to blow this republic all to hell. What they failed to consider -- and what the bumbling members of Congress ...

Progressives: What Do You Really Want?

by Mary Pitt June 22, 2010  After the national outpouring of support which thrust Barack Obama into the presidency in November, 2008, one would suppose that he had a solid majority of Americans behind him and would have little trouble in making the changes which he had promised. Immediately faced with an opposition minority who declared intentions to make sure that he would fail, the new President nonetheless toiled on in the effort to do what he could to make the lives of working Americans better, safer, and healthier. First, of course, he had to deal with the collapse of the entire banking system as well as record unemployment due to a decade of outsourcing of American jobs. The "stimulus" bill for the banks had been pushed through by the Bush administration just before the close of their term and the economy staggered under the load of bailing out the very people who caused the crash and continued their old practices of gouging the public for the enrichment of their own in...

Obama sharply increases secret military operations

By Bill Van Auken 5 June 2010 The Obama administration has sharply increased the use of US Special Operations forces in secret military interventions around the world, according to a report Thursday by the Washington Post. The Post reports that the administration has increased to 75 the number of countries where these elements, including US Army Delta Force and Green Beret troops, Navy Seals and other secretive units, are operating, compared to 60 at the beginning of 2009. Funding for these operations has risen accordingly. The Obama White House has requested a 5.7 percent increase in appropriations for Special Operations in fiscal 2011, amounting to a total budget of $6.3 billion. It has also sought another $3.5 billion in contingency funding for Special Ops in 2010. Citing senior US military and administration officials, the Post presents a telling picture of the Janus-like character of the Obama administration’s foreign and mi...