Tear Down The Statue Of Liberty
by Mary Pitt September 19, 2010 It seems that the Statue of Liberty has lost its meaning and so might as well be razed and the island on which it stands can be put to better use, something like another huge amusement park for the enrichment of Disney or some other large entertainment corporation. If you doubt that this is true, try reading and really thinking about the words that are inscribed on its base: Send me your tired, your poor The wretched refuse of your teeming shore Your huddles masses yearning to be free Send these your tempest-toss'd to me I lift my lamp beside the golden door Does that make sense to you? As if we didn't have enough tired, poor, and wretched refuse of our own! Why should we import more? There just isn't enough money to keep them alive but they would be better off dead, right? Just ignore them and let God handle the problem. If those who sprung from the Tea Party to win the primary elections really represent the "will of the people",...