smooth talkin'
October 27, 2009 Mack answers questions about Obama visit Rep. Connie Mack, R-Fort Myers, held a phone conference this morning to answer questions about his position on President Obama’s visit to the DeSoto County solar power plant. He said the president is on a sales pitch to increase his popularity on the taxpayer’s dime. “Once again we see the president take a tour of the country in what appears to be a PR swing to move legislation and policies that the American people don’t want, don’t need — hurting the American people.” He specifically mentioned the bailout and stimulus laws, health care reform bills and cap and trade legislation, as examples. Mack said “liberal ideas” are destroying the “fabric of America.” On the issue of alternative and renewable energy, Mack said the issue is about encouraging more energy products. He is against a “tax and spend” philosophy and prefers “government getting out of the...