
Showing posts from September, 2008

The Peter Principle Playoffs

By Sheila Samples 9/26/08 We have now sunk to a depth at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men ~~ George Orwell So here we sit, our heads jerking back and forth so rapidly most of us are suffering severe whiplash. Will the US attack Iran? Will Israel attack Iran? Or will the two war-mongering bullies join forces and "bomb, bomb, bomb" that belligerent twit-nation into subservience? It's a great game. A deadly game. The momentum to attack Iran has been building for so long that we're conditioned to watching it like some grotesque international tennis competition. It's the Peter Principle Playoffs, with neoconsters and ziomonsters out on the court milling around, working at their highest "levels of incompetence," feverishly plotting Iran's destruction. Foul lines mean nothing to them. There are no rules, no officials, no scores, no accountability. Bolton's Law Immediately before Bush invaded Iraq, the criminall...


Spies Warn That Al Qaeda Aims for October Surprise Intercepted Messages Asking Local Cells To Be Prepared for Imminent Instructions By ELI LAKE, Staff Reporter of the Sun September 22, 2008 WASHINGTON — In the aftermath of two major terrorist attacks on Western targets, America's counterterrorism community is warning that Al Qaeda may launch more overseas operations to influence the presidential elections in November. A Pakistani army soldier stands guard by the devastated Marriott Hotel following an overnight suicide bombing at Islamabad on September 21, 2008. Call it Osama bin Laden's "October surprise." In late August, during the weekend between the Democratic and Republican conventions, America's military and intelligence agencies intercepted a series of messages from Al Qaeda's leadership to intermediate members of the organization asking local cells to be prepared for...

Bad Business

by Mary Pitt 9/21/08 (on behalf of all the poor and near-poor who "litter our streets") So Wall Street is in a panic! So the trillion-dollar corporations are in danger of going broke! So the big-time investors are in danger of losing their silk shirts! So what? We have been told for years that we must not be cry-babies who go bawling to the government for handouts to help us through the bad times; we must bear up under the load of "personal responsibility"; when our jobs disappear into the "global economy" we must "re-train", mechanical engineers need to become truck drivers, automobile designers to learn to put roofs on house, and secretaries and bookkeepers should go to school to "re-train" for jobs as motel maids! We are not moved by the plight of the moguls leaving broken corporations equipped with only their golden parachutes. We have been the victims of their business practices for a very long time and now that their unethical pra...

How’s that capitalism thing working out for you?

So. Once again the workers, you know, the people who actually produce things, have to bail out the financiers. That certainly explains why there isn’t any money to help people who are losing their homes, or have lost their jobs. Certainly explains why we can’t have universal health for every citizen, or why we can’t keep our infrastructure from collapsing, or our schools full of books. The bastards need every penny they can get their hands on to kill, and to bail out wall street and the banks, and the insurance companies. The very ones who have made it their mission to extract every bit of money they can from the workers through usurious interest rates, spurious fees, and just plain theft. Now, these are the same people who say that the people who have made bad decisions should just suffer the consequences. And that’s why the bankruptcy law needed to be changed. You know, people were taking advantage of the old law, and trying to hold onto their homes and cars, after being bankrupted t...

Palin Simply Does Not Matter

by Mary Pitt 9/13/08 This comment may seem to come from far left field but, when you stop to consider it, the perfect sense of it will become apparent. First, Senator John McCain was all set to prove his "bipartisanship" by naming his colleague and good buddy, Senator Joe Lieberman, as his running mate. His Republican advisors vetoed that idea and told him he needed to choose someone to bring around the religious right who had, to that time, been lukewarm about the prospect of voting for the secular McCain and would not be impressed by the addition of a Jew and a Democrat. Now, McCain was not overly impressed by Governor Mike Huckabee and the other possibilities might have expected to be asked to actually do something in the McCain administration if they won. I am a contemporary of John McCain, (actually a few years older), and I am familiar with his history throughout his adult life. He is a man who, while being happy to appear to be agreeable to a bipartisan approach to get...

September 11

War is Terrorism Too

the pig


recent events and a comment

Atrocity in Azizabad: More Child Sacrifices on the Terror War Altar Chris Floyd Monday, 08 September 2008 Every day, the shame mounts, the lies grow more brazen and more brutal, and the dishonor spreads and deepens -- ineradicable, like a white garment soaked with blood. The atrocity in Azizabad , an Afghan village hit by an American airstrike on the night of August 22, is by no means the worst depredation of the so-called "War on Terror," which has left more than million innocent people dead in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia over the past seven years. But the mass death visited upon the sleeping, defenseless citizens of Azizabad encapsulates many of the essential elements of this global campaign of "unipolar domination" and war profiteering: the callous application of high-tech weaponry against unarmed civilians; the witless attack that alienates local supporters and empowers an ever-more violent and radical insurge...


In case you haven't been paying attention, tonight, mcsame is scheduled to give his acceptance speech. This is after Gustav played with the start of the convention. In case you haven't been paying attention, tonight, the New York Giants (the superbowl champions) are playing the Washington Redskins in the NFL season opener on ABC. Guess which one football fans will be watching.

see you at the bridge, guy

Oscar came to live with us in February 2004. He came from a small dog rescue place after being abandoned in Texas. He died today of cancer. We buried him in the gazebo.

The Hollow Man

Sunday 31 August 2008 by William Rivers Pitt Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking. - H. L. Mencken In this election, it is the character of the candidate that will matter the most. That, and pretty much that alone, has been the core campaign message Republican candidate John McCain has been peddling to all and sundry for nearly two years. His devotion to this particular talking point has come to resemble the kind of passionate zeal rarely seen beyond the compound walls of survivalist militia groups; and the slavish dedication he has displayed in tolerating the mindless monotony of such endless repetition is matched only by the muddy mooing of sacred cows along the shores of the Ganges River in India. Clearly, Mr. McCain has become deeply invested in trying to keep the entire presidential campaign conversation focused only on this mantra regarding "Character." To be sure, he has defi...