
Showing posts from March, 2008

Shame on Them and Shame on Us

By Joseph L. Galloway McClatchy Newspapers Posted on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 This week, the Iraq war claimed its 4,000th American killed in action, but that sad and tragic milestone came as the war seems to have slipped off the evening news, off the front pages and from the minds of the American people. I suppose this benign neglect of so important and damaging an event is combat fatigue on the part of the public. No doubt the White House is happy to see Iraq shoved to a back burner, just as all three presidential candidates are relieved to talk about something else, anything else, but their half-baked ideas about the war. Shame on them, and shame on us, for such callous indifference to the service, sacrifice and suffering of the families of the dead, wounded and injured troops who’ve given so much for so little in return. Vice President Cheney again stuck both feet in his mouth by saying and then repeating that we should remember...

What It's All About...

By Sheila Samples 3/24/08 Rise like lions after slumber In unvanquishable number. Shake your chains to earth, like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you-- Ye are many, they are few. - Percy Bysshe Shelley My friend Bernie says he can't believe the American people haven't figured out what it's all about. "The whole damn political scene is nothing but a corporate media freak show," he said. "There's no breathing room between elections -- no time nor interest in investigating, or even addressing, issues that are critical to our survival as a nation. The minute every last dollar is sucked out of the competition, the candidate who bought the most attack ads -- the most face time -- wins, and the election is over. Then," Bernie said with disgust, "it's time to start raising money for the next election, because the media is already out there campaigning." "I hadn't thought of it that way," I said. "But, surely electing a pre...

Sami Al-Arian's Long Ordeal

- by Stephen Lendman 3/24/08 Sami Al-Arian is a political prisoner in Police State America. This article reviews his case briefly and updates it to the present. Because of his faith, ethnicity and political activism, the Bush administration targeted Al-Arian for supporting "terrorism." In fact, he's a Palestinian refugee, distinguished professor and scholar, community leader and civil activist. Nonetheless, the FBI harassed him for 11 years, arrested him on February 20, 2003, and falsely accused him of backing organizations fronting for Palestinian Islamic Jihad - a 1997 State Department-designated "Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO)." A week later, in spite of his many awards, impeccable credentials and tenured status, University of South Florida president Judy Genshaft fired him under right wing pressure. Since February 20, 2003, Al-Arian has been imprisoned - first at Tampa, Florida's Orient Road jail, then on to more than a dozen different maximum an...

The John McCain Crane Collapses Every Time!

John Mccain: Biggest Fag In War History By Vlad Kalashnikov 22.03.2008 I recently became a private scholar of The Decline And Fall of The American Empire. I use the famous Gibbon title very sarcastically, because a specialist like me knows what a historical obscenity it is comparing a laughable Chinese-sweatshop-manufactured American Empire, that lasted only from say 1991 until 2004, to the great 500-year-long Roman Empire (or Russian Empire, or many great empires, a class where Americans don’t belong). History will not even remember this laughable American empire, which today disappears before our eyes. Actually today’s American Empire collapse happens so fast, it is like that construction crane in New York City that just collapsed into another building last week, because dumbfuck Americans don’t even know how to build cranes these days. For me as outsider scholar coolly observing this process, what ...

It Ain't About Race, Baby

by Mary Pitt 3/19/08 The speech by Barrack Obama was expected to be about race. It turned out to be much, much more than that, regardless of what you would learn from the evening news. Of course, we know that the evening news and the "pundits" that you will find there always go for the more sensational aspects of any story, looking only at the surface without any effort to look for deeper meanings. While they rail that Obama did not denounce his pastor or get up in the middle of the sermon and walk out the door at some of the pastor's "inflammatory" statements, a bit of thought will cause you to wonder if they are not asking a bit too much. Or perhaps that is the reason so many churches are empty on Sunday morning, leaving the preacher shouting at the empty rafters. On the other hand, if you really listened to the words of the man, a different perspective would emerge. He spoke not only about being a black man running for the American presidency but about a back...

March 19, 2008


a history 080207

We have a F--- Constitutional Crisis! by Larisa Alexandrovna on March 07, 2008 This is called an impeachable offense , another one - one of many ignored by Congress: "President Bush quietly has claimed sweeping new powers to open Americans' mail without a judge's warrant. Bush asserted the new authority Dec. 20 after signing legislation that overhauls some postal regulations. He then issued a "signing statement" that declared his right to open mail under emergency conditions, contrary to existing law and contradicting the bill he had just signed, according to experts who have reviewed it." I just want Congress to collectively answer two questions: Is the president above the law? Or is it that only George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are above the law? Just think of this as a civics lesson and try to explain your reasons for violating your oath of office, turning your back on the Constitution and country alike...

Israeli Extra-Judicial Executions

- by Stephen Lendman 3/3/08 […] On March 1, Hamas reported that Israelis killed 91 Palestinians in February, 83 in Gaza and eight in West Bank, and the killing continues to escalate. The International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) said eyewitnesses confirmed that IDF troops and tanks invaded Jabalyia (in Gaza) before dawn on Saturday. They targeted the refugee camp, struck at resident homes, attacked medical relief workers, fired missiles at cars and in residential areas, and killed at least 37 Palestinians (mostly civilians) and injured 120 others by midday. IMEMC later on Saturday raised the toll to 56 dead and updated it again Sunday AM to 98 as IDF forces continued rampaging without letup. Haaretz first reported 34 deaths on Saturday, including five children and three women. Later in the day, it upped the total to 50, then 59 and by Sunday noon the total known killed was "more than 70." AP first indicated 33 deaths, then raised it to 45, then 50 late in the day and 66 ...

The McCain/Gitmo Connection

by Mary Pitt 3/1/08 When I first heard the stories that have been circulating as to whether John McCain is eligible for the presidency due to not having been born on "American soil", it seemed to be a bit of a tempest in a teapot. Of course, Senator McCain is as American as anybody! His father was a military officer in the service of his country when the good senator was born at a Panama military base. But, if we expand on that thought of precisely what constitutes the national territory and, thus, the jurisdiction of the American legal system, it gives rise to other considerations. At the beginning of the Afghanistan conflict, there arose the problem of how and where to confine those who were taken prisoner. The administration did not want to bring them to the United States and thus allow them the protections of the Constitution by treating them as common criminals. Therefore, they were taken to our military base at Guantanamo, Cuba, in which case it would be "legal...