
Showing posts from August, 2006

Enemies Who Believe ‘Things’

Bush Says We Better Beware of Enemies Because "They Believe Things" 8/31/2006 The Rude Pundit It was one of those head-shaking, goddamned stupid statements that just makes you wanna disappear into a Bolivian village and tear up your guts with coca leaf moonshine and overcooked wild pig until you're so doubled over and shitting out your stomach lining that you don't give a fuck about anything but the sweet, slick kiss of death to take away the pain. Here's the President yesterday at a campaign dinner for Tennessee Republicans: "We face an enemy that has an ideology; they believe things." You got that? We're not facing a bunch of blank slates lashing out at all tabulas not rasa. They actually believe "things." What sorts of things, you may ask? George W. Bush has the answer: "The best way to describe their ideology is to relate to you the fact that they th...

A Majority In Search Of Leadership

by Mary Pitt A staggering number of Americans are totally discouraged by the political actions of both parties as Congress continues to rubber-stamp the recommendations of the Bush administration. People are leaving the party line in droves in their search for more progressive and democratic principles and are in rebellion against the growing similarity to police state tactics and controls of our everyday life as social programs are withdrawn and the people are left without the traditional supports for the poor, the elderly, and the handicapped. We watch, aghast, as the Constitution is trashed, elections are left in question, and the standard of living of the working class descends into near-poverty while the wealthy continue to increase their income and influence. Only one thing is lacking among these people and that is a cohesive leadership. There have been some who could have headed this movement but they are not so inclined. Howard Dean is safe and snug in the bosom of the Democrat...

First Lieutenant Ehren Watada

Statement on Behalf of Lt. Ehren Watada By Francis A. Boyle August 23, 2006 Fort Lewis Soldier Says He'll Refuse To Go To Iraq June 6, 2006 One generation ago the peoples of the world asked themselves: Where were the "good" Germans? Well, there were some good Germans. The Lutheran theologian and pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer was the foremost exemplar of someone who led a life of principled opposition to the Nazi-terror state even unto death. Today the peoples of the world are likewise asking themselves: Where are the "good" Americans? Well, there are some good Americans. They are getting prosecuted for protesting against illegal U.S. military interventions and war crimes around the world. First Lieutenant Ehren Watada is America's equivalent to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Vaclav Havel, Andrei Sakharov, Wei Jingsheng, Aung San Suu Kyi, and others. He is the archetypal American Hero whom we should be bringing into our schoo...

Is it ‘Islamic’ Fascists or Freedom-Fascists?

by Yamin Zakaria ( London, UK 8/21/06 Like most ‘ism’, Fascism was founded in Europe and it was practiced by Europe. So what has Fascism got to do with Islam? Absolutely nothing, because Fascism is inexorably linked to extreme nationalism, which is clearly forbidden by Islam, and therefore, Islamic-Fascism is an oxymoron and impossible for it to exist. According to the fascist ethos of ‘guilty until proven innocent’, Bush issued the guilty verdict of: “Islamic Fascists”, even before the suspects in custody had a chance to reach the court and state their case. They are 22 British Muslims of Pakistani descent and 2 British converts to Islam; all stand accused of a plot to blow up ten aircraft in mid-flight over the Atlantic. The media (CNN-FOX-MSNBC) was already reporting “Terror in the Air” as if something had already happened, while ignoring the real “Terror in the air” that was being delivered by Israel to the Lebanese civilians. I wonder what kind of f...

Bush's Arab Dream Palace

Is it Narcissism? by Juan Cole Informed Comment Tuesday, August 22, 2006 Bush said again on Monday that he would keep US troops in Iraq until 2009 and argued that for the US to withdraw would send a bad message to reformers in the region. He said he is concerned about that talk of civil war in Iraq and seemed to admit that he isn't very happy most of the time about the way things are going, but added that he doesn't expect to be joyous in wartime. He admitted again that Saddam Hussein did not "order" 9/11, but went on to again link Baathist Iraq to the threat of terrorism against the US, an unproven charge. I am not a psychiatrist and don't play one on t.v., so treat what follows as political satire please, and nothing more. But what strikes me about Bush's Monday appearance is how consistent it is with what I understand of the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder . Let's look at ...


now this is a rainbow

shop-dropping the Home Depot

it’s fun, it’s convenient, and you can do it anyplace you go. take a look.

Mad Dog On A Leash

By Sheila Samples "We should prepare to go on the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai."~~David Ben-Gurion, May 1948 I have been stunned by many things on the US political scene since I was jerked violently awake on Nov. 22, 1963. However, one thing that simply flew under the cuckoo's nest of my awareness was the total influence on our Congress; the control of our media, our courts, our universities, our entire society -- even our religion -- by the state of Israel. I had no idea. I've learned a lot about both Israel and the United States in the last five years -- most of which I fervently wish I didn't know. I learned very quickly in the wake o...

in the “Armed Madhouse”

So Osama Walks Into To This Bar, See? by Greg Palast Monday August 14, 2006 So, Osama Walks into This Bar, See? and Bush says, "Whad'l'ya have, pardner?" and Osama says... But wait a minute. I'd better shut my mouth. The sign here in the airport says, "Security is no joking matter." But if security's no joking matter, why does this guy dressed in a high-school marching band outfit tell me to dump my Frappuccino and take off my shoes? All I can say is, Thank the Lord the "shoe bomber" didn't carry Semtex in his underpants. Today's a RED and ORANGE ALERT day. How odd. They just caught the British guys with the chemistry sets. But when these guys were about to blow up airliners, the USA was on YELLOW alert. That's a "lowered" threat notice. According to the press office from the Department of Homeland Security, lowered-threat Yellow means that there were no special inspections of passengers or cargo. Isn't it nice of ...

Is Bush Trying to Dodge the Gallows?

Could George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and maybe Alberto Gonzales all end up sucking poison gas? by Dave Lindorff Friday, July 28, 2006 That, apparently, is a concern now being taken seriously by Attorney General Gonzales, who is quietly working with senior White House officials and friendly members of Congress to do what murderous dictators in Chile, Argentina and other bloodthirsty regimes have done as their future in office began to look uncertain: pass laws exempting them from prosecution for murder. At issue is a growing legal threat of the president and other top administration officials facing prosecution for violations of the U.S. War Crimes statutes, which since 1996 have made violation of Geneva Conventions adopted by the U.S. violations of American law, too. Gonzales knows the seriousness of this threat. As he warned the president, in a January, 25, 2002 "Memorandum to the President" (publi...

A nicely timed plot

Quite conveniant. What is still truly amazing is that there are still people who take what they’re told by the bushistas at face value. Here’s some cynicism for you. You could say that I’m looking at this with a jaundiced eye. What it reminds me of is the Miami plot with a bit more details added, since lessons have been learned. We are told yesterday that Lamont’s win in Connecticut, that’s in the US, is a win for the terrorists. And, hot on those heels, is this. It’s all just a little too pat for me. In Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon, people are being killed. But that fact has been pushed off the front page. The people dying in Darfur in Sudan rarely even rate a mention. And what was on the US news tonight? How inconvenianced air travelers are because of this latest plot twist. And the sheep lap it up. But what the hell, Indianapolis Colts at St. Louis Rams on FOX tonight, so the Americans won’t be able to spend much time thinking about that other stuff. And if American fo...

Nice one, George

by Terry Jones August 4, 2006 09:54 AM Those of us who have long been supporters of Armageddon have naturally been greatly cheered by way the president of the United States has been embracing our cause. Our desire to bring chaos, death and destruction to a greater swathe of humanity has, in the past, often been frustrated by peacemakers and do-gooders of all shades of the political spectrum. For too long, our aspirations have been derided and criticised. In fact, to be blunt, for more than two millennia we have had to put up with opprobrium and vilification, but now all that will be a thing of the past, for in George Bush we have found an ally - indeed, we have found a leader. A man who is prepared to place himself at the head of the forces of destruction and misery, and who is unafraid of the opinion of the rest of the world. George Bush has finally put Armageddon firmly on the political agend...

Bob Ney (R-OH), idiot

Ney Successor on Course for Legal Showdown By Paul Kiel - August 9, 2006, 3:58 PM Democrats in Ohio might challenge the candidacy of Rep. Bob Ney's (R-OH) chosen successor based on at least two different statutes, a spokesman for the Ohio Democrats told me today. Republicans are still determining whether state Sen. Joy Padgett might be disqualified from running based on what's called the "sore loser" statute in Ohio law. The law prevents a candidate from running in a general election after losing a primary. Padgett ran for lieutenant governor earlier this year. But there's yet another statute that might prevent Padgett from running. A year-old statute prevents Ohioans from running for both state and federal office in the same year. "Ironically," the Columbus Dispatch notes, "Republicans slipped that restriction into the state budget bill last year — apparently to prevent Democratic U.S. Rep. Ted Strick...

Penguins corralled on Texas highway

Four others, exotic fish killed when zoo transport overturns Tuesday, August 8, 2006; Posted: 7:25 p.m. EDT (23:25 GMT) SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) -- Twenty-one penguins were rescued on a hot east Texas highway Tuesday after a truck carrying the wildlife to a temporary home south of Houston overturned, said a state trooper. Four penguins and some exotic fish were killed in the accident, including three penguins that were hit by passing motorists, said Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper Richard Buchanan. "The rest of the penguins kind of stayed together in the ditch," he said. The truck, also carrying an octopus that was uninjured, was bound for Moody Gardens, a tourist destination in Galveston, an hour south of Houston, a resort spokeswoman said. The wildlife was being transported to Texas from the Indianapolis Zoo while that zoo's ocean exhibit is being remodeled, said Jerri Hamacheck of Moody Garde...

The Nagasaki Principle

by James Carroll August 7, 2006 Boston Globe Today is the anniversary of what did not happen. Sixty-one years ago yesterday, the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. The scale of nuclear devastation was apparent at once. The next day, no decision was made to call off the bombing of Nagasaki. Why? Historians debate the justification of the Hiroshima attack, but there is consensus that Nagasaki, coming less than three days later, was tragically unnecessary. President Harry Truman's one order to use the atomic bomb, given on July 25, established a momentum that was not stopped. ``The 509 Composite Group, 20th Air Force, will deliver its first special bomb," the order read, ``as soon as weather will permit visual bombing after about 3 August 1945 on one of the targets: Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata, and Nagasaki." The order instructed the Air Force to deliver ``additional bombs ....

5,000 protest against Lebanon war in Tel Aviv

By: Yuli Kromchenko and Yoav Stern Haaretz 6 August 2006 More than 5,000 people marched in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening, to protest the ongoing Israel Defense Forces operation in Lebanon. Demonstrators set off from Dizengoff Street and marched along King George Street, which was closed to traffic, calling for an end to the conflict and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Lebanon, and denouncing Defense Minister Amir Peretz. Two people, including a minor, were arrested. The demonstration also saw a confrontation with a several right-wing counter-protesters, who tore down some of the placards used in the rally. Thousands marched in London on Saturday to demand a halt to the Lebanon war on Saturday as the British government tried to deflect criticism that it has failed to call for an immediate cease-fire. Prime Minister Tony Blair`s government has come under fire at home for following U.S. President George W. Bush`s lead on the conflict be...

The Constitution in Crisis

By Rep. John Conyers The Huffington Post Friday 04 August 2006 Six Years of Unchecked Abuses - Had Enough? To view the full report: Today, I am releasing the final version of my report, the "Constitution in Crisis." The report, which is some 350 pages in length and is supported by more than 1,400 footnotes, compiles the accumulated evidence that the Bush Administration has thumbed its nose at our nation's laws, and the Constitution itself. Approximately 26 laws and regulations may have been violated by this Administration's misconduct. Our Constitution established a tri-partite system of government, with the notion that each branch of government would act as a check on the other two. Unfortunately, for the last six years, the Republicans in Congress have largely viewed themselves as defenders of the Bush Administration, instead of a vital check on overre...

Cuba in the news

Bush's Mein Kampf By Ricardo Alarcón De Quesada (President of the Cuban National Assembly) Havana. July 13, 2006 "For nothing is hidden unless it is to be disclosed, and nothing put undercover unless it is to come into the open." (Mark, 4:22) Tom Crumpacker (*) was not exaggerating one iota when he compared the Bush annexation Plan with Hitler’s Mein Kampf. They are, effectively, the only available examples of publicly announced plans to subjugate a nation. They are also similar in their genocidal and racist nature. In my previous article on this subject, I recalled that the Bush Plan, if it were carried out, would liquidate Cuba, the nation, but also enslave Cubans to extermination. That was the experience suffered by millions of individuals in the European countries occupied by Hitlerian hordes. The blockade against Cuba is, without a doubt, a crime of genocide. It has been so since the first day and is so tod...